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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. This ump must be drunk, the s*** he's calling against us
  2. Not like we have someone who's a better hitter than him waiting in the wings to take his place...
  3. Bottom part of our order really needs to pick it up...
  4. Because Marco is white! there, I said it. Nah just kidding, but its probably because Courtney is perceived (justly) to be a much better defender. But in reality, neither one are going to be anything more than roleplayers for us. Courtney Lee as a long term solution at 2 guard for us, was always a joke.
  5. Even if they do score 1 here, I still like what I see from Liriano. He's got great stuff.
  6. Thank you Liriano, for coming out ready to pitch. After our last 2 starts, I've begun to miss having shut down 1st innings.
  7. I just assumed by the way people around here talk about him that he's gonna be gone soon.
  8. Bulls a much better team than OKC. More disciplined, better coached and defend much better. OKC more talented, but Bulls a better team. We would have given the Heat a better fight than OKC did. Look at the Celtics, they took the Heat to 7. And we're better than the Celtics at full health.
  9. Not only them, but AJ and Beckham too. AJ might not leave but if it is just Peavy/Youk/Beckham, thats still a lot of holes in the rotation to fill
  10. Ok but many people here would say that just being there is akin to failure. Deep playoff runs and great regular season records apparently don't mean anything, just like our great records these past 2 years and our ECF run in 2011 doesn't mean anything.
  11. What will this team look like next year? Seems like a lot of guys are leaving
  12. Almost. And this hard on for Mark Cuban really perplexes me. Yes, he's a good owner, but prior to 2011 the Mavs were known for being perennial playoff chokers. Number of chips they won? 1. Number of chips we won? 6. And look at the team they assembled to win that championship. 1 superstar and a bunch of good roleplayers. Thats exactly the opposite of what you're advocating for now.
  13. Yeah its called looking at a player and recognizing what his skillset is. Beverly is a ball handling/penetrating point guard. He can run the floor, because he's quick. He can put pressure on defenses, because he can handle the ball and drive the lane. Not saying he's going to be anywhere near as good as Derrick Rose. Just pointing out what his skillset consists of, for people who don't know anything about him. Jesus Kyle, you really have a hard on for me.
  14. ^ exactly, lol. He'd bash every one of those signings, because none of them are Dwight, Lebron or Kobe. The 2011 Mavs team is exactly the type of team he DOESN'T want us to have.
  15. get punked? Is that how you describe it? I describe it as having substantive, interesting basketball discussions. Something you and I have never done. You want to 'pwn' me? First we have to actually start talking about basketball.
  16. Early 2000's wasn't even the same FO as we have now bro...
  17. And it's ridiculous to act like I think Patrick Beverely is some superstar waiting to happen. All I did was report in this thread that the Bulls were interested in signing him, then I posted a youtube video of his highlights here. Pardon me for thinking Bulls fans would want to be kept up to date on the moves the Bulls make. You take that as me being so thrilled about Patrick Beverely, ok, whatever... You're acting ridiculous Kyle.
  18. I've never seen you give any great insight to the game, all I've seen you do is whine and poo poo every move the Bulls have made. Again, don't tell me what you were like 2 or 3 offseasons ago. I'm talking about what I'm seeing from you now.
  19. Hinrich is not more athletic than CJ Watson, but he is a better point guard. Robinson is much more athletic than JL III. Bellinelli is much more athletic than Korver and I'd argue Jimmy Butler is more athletic than Ronnie Brewer, especially offensively
  20. I know what I see and I see that neither one of you has said anything positive about the Bulls in my short tenure here. It's all negativity. If that's the case then it's fair to question your Bulls fandom. I'm sorry if it offends you.
  21. I guess we'll see. It's obvious the bench will be more offensively oriented now and will be less defensively oriented. Is that "better"....? We'll see.
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