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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. Well when you hate everything about the Bulls, it's a fair question to ask.
  2. I disagree that its worse or less athletic
  3. Hey bro, we need another superstar but we need to make moves to improve our bench too. The two are not mutually exclusive. I'm interested in ALL moves we make, not just the big ones. You only seem to care about getting the top 5 players in the NBA. If we don't do that, you don't seem interested at all.
  4. I think what happened with Mayo is that he overvalued his contract. He thought he was going to get big money offers, and when he realized he wasn't worth as much as he thought on the open market, he took a lower priced deal. By that time, the Bulls had already moved on and made other moves. bleh, Harden is so over rated. He got pwnd in the finals and he's getting pwnd in international play now. He's only 23 but as of right now, he's nowhere near a complete player or starter material worth max contract money
  5. These are vague statements, you're disappointed, we get that. We're all disappointed. There's no need to sulk about it. What would you have done differently? Based on your high expectations, what would you have the FO do?
  6. Getting Mayo or Courtney Lee would definitely not be the difference between winning and losing a championship for us. With Mayo, the hope was always to "fix him" and make him better than he's been the past 2 years. But thats far from a sure thing. And I'm REALLY, REALLY, hesitant to throw max money at a guy like Harden. He's shown nothing, besides being really efficient, to show that he's deserving of max contract money. He can't carry a team as a #1 or even a #2 option, he can't defend at all. He would be a work project for us just like Mayo.
  7. Haven't we proven already that we can hang with the Angels, Texans and Yankees of the league?
  8. Paul Konerko has been getting Gordon Beckham-like results at the plate. It's worse than bad, It's Gordon Beckham-like.
  9. Why not just walk AJ? Our lineup is not that good after him.
  10. Announcers clowning Hawk on MLB tonight, lol
  11. Swing hard 3 times Dunn, don't want to leave it up to Paulie with 2 outs now.
  12. Not sure why De Aza didn't just take the walk there...
  13. God damn, that was one mighty leap. Like a Trout.
  14. My body is not ready for another walk off homer
  15. Oh hellz yeah. they better show that on sportcenter right after the trout catch
  16. Hah, 2 days ago people were saying Youk is in a slump. He has a knack for getting clutch hits at the Cell.
  17. It might be just me, but it seems like when we really try to score runs, we don't score runs. We score more when we're relaxed and having fun and playing free and easy and letting the game come to us a little instead of being over-aggressive.
  18. they found a snake that looks like a penis in the Amazon
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