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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. I just found out that they found a penis snake in the jungle. Hmph. but I digress, go Sox! Let's beat these b****es!
  2. Poor Paul....looks lost at the plate. What an up-and-down season for him.
  3. It's not just that he gave up 4 runs, its how he did it too. He was lucky it wasn't 8 runs before the 2nd inning was over
  4. he looked turrible in the beginning but no reason to b**** now
  5. Can't be happy only picking up 1 there. We got a ton of breaks in that inning, and we f***ed it all up.
  6. Dammit, come on Just can't seem to get that big hit.
  7. Damn lucky there. A paulie bomb to tie it up would have really made me smile there
  8. Angels playing like they really want this one
  9. We gonna be out of this game in a few innings at this rate. Floyd can't continue to let them score every inning
  10. of all people to rob, Gordon Beckham? Yeah thanks, that'll help his confidence...
  11. That seems to be the majority of our team unfortunately. We go down 0-2 and have 1-2-3 innings a lot
  12. damn f***ing swing happy s***, I hate that. Youk needs to teach all these guys how to be smart
  13. hahaha, defensive play of the game right there
  14. Good thing Paulie got hit there because he looked to me like he was about to strike out or ground out or something... just not lookin' good these days
  15. I like how the Angels are just taking pitches instead of swinging . If this was us, we probably would have gotten ourselves out at this point due to dumb swings.
  16. I'm sick of our pitchers coming out looking totally unready to pitch. First Humber, now Floyd. Get your s*** together guys, jesus H.
  17. Gavin Floyd da worst! Get somebody out Gavin.
  18. Yeah but, injuries. See: Bulls 2011, Bears 2011, Blackhawks 2011 take nothing for granted
  19. What if the day comes that they please you and gain your confidence? I'm hoping that day comes first.
  20. There was 1 superstar on the market this year and the Bulls went hard for him. They went hard after Lebron/Wade/Bosh the year before that too. Sometimes you have good plans, but they don't come to fruition. It sucks but that's life. I don't think the Bulls FO is incompetent or deserving of losing their jobs just yet, because they've attempted to make these big FA splash type moves that you want them to make, they just haven't been successful at it for various reasons (many of which are external reasons, not of their own doing)
  21. We definitely aren't winning the championship, but it won't be so bad. I guess I'm just not filled with as much despair as you guys at the prospect of one lost season where we're kinda mediocre again. I'm even looking forward to watching some of these young guys play. I'm willing to give our FO 2 or 3 more years to try their vision again, because the last 2 years they built a heck of a team and it just got ruined because of injuries, which wasn't their fault.
  22. So there isn't anything positive you can say about the Bulls now, nothing at all you can think of? It would truly make me happy if you could. I shall shed a tear of joy.
  23. So you can't say anything good about the Bulls, or do you just refuse to? You can't refuse a triple dog dare. I don't claim to know you intimately, I've just never seen you say anything positive regarding the Bulls and I'd like to see it...before I die...if it isn't too much trouble to you.
  24. I've never seen you say anything good about the Bulls. Say something good about the Bulls, I triple dog dare you. I just want to see if you can do it, or if your head will explode.
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