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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. When was the last time Manu had a USG at 20? For his career, his USG is much closer to 26+. I'm sorry but if Harden wants to be a Manu, he needs to have much more of the teams offense run through him. Also needs some type of mid range game. He doesn't get to just sit back and take open 3's his entire career and play a role players type of role for all his years then just have his game be compared to Manu's. That's an insult to Manu.
  2. Big difference between Manu and Harden: Manu has elite efficiency with a USG rate nearer to 30. Harden has elite efficiency with a USG rate near 20. Thats who we need imo, a high USG guy whose %ast stat is low. Harden is the opposite of that. Bite your tongue
  3. I'll think a lot more of Harden as soon as his USG rate climbs and he still manages to remain efficient. Right now he has no mid range game, he takes 10 shots per game, he's a bench role player. He's not comparable at all imo to guys like Gordon or Monta or even to Manu whom you just compared him to. Those guys have all been much more integral parts to their teams offense than Harden has ever been.
  4. Isn't Mirotic gonna be our stretch 4 of the future?
  5. No Bulls fan should ever want Lebron James in a Bulls uniform and besides, Derrick would never want to play with him.
  6. I don't think Harden could ever be a legit #1 option. But we'll agree to disagree. Give me a guy like Gordon who's had higher USG than Harden has ever seen, and still managed to put up great stats over a guy like Harden who's only efficient because he hits his open 3's and is good at flopping and getting to the line.
  7. Harden is efficient, but he's not a take over the game guy. He's efficient because he plays on a team with Westbrook and Durant and can get good shots. He hits his 3's and draws lots of fouls and is a good passer. But besides that, when has he ever proven to be a 1a type of player? He's a roleplayer. A very, very good roleplayer. But still a role player. Is a role player really who we want to pay max money to? Taking a big risk there. We need a guy who has proven that he can be the number 1 option before. Eric Gordon over James Harden all day and twice on sunday.
  8. I don;t understand criticizing Ty for not being able to guard 2's, then naming Harden as a guy you want at the 2. Harden is a turrible defender. Turrible.
  9. Doesn't matter, just who do you want? In the current NBA, don't say Michael Jordan lol
  10. I'm not saying we're getting him, I'm saying I want him. Who do you want? Don't tell me you want James Harden. He's never played anything more than a role player's role, he's never been able to take games over by himself. He can't defend. Every 2 guard out there has drawbacks and Harden is no different in that regard. We need a proven 1b type of guy, otherwise we're right back where we started in square one. We get deep into the playoffs, face the Heat, then realize we need another legit star player to take over games for us when they sweat Derrick. What does that mean? It means another guy like Derrick, someone who can go iso and get a good shot when he needs to. Someone who can beat his man and get to the rim and do something good with it.
  11. I don't consider Lawson a true PG, he's a scoring Pg if I've ever seen one. He's also efficient and a great shooter, so I think he'd work well with Derrick. Both players would have to adjust their game, no doubt. But so what? I've seen Rose play off the ball before too, it looked mighty effective. I'd like to give Rose a break every now and then too, it confuses the other team and switches things up a bit, makes us more effective I'd argue. Nobody we get is going to be perfect, there will be drawbacks to any player we get. This guy is good at this, but bad at that. This guy is a good shooter but he can't defend. This guy is a good penetrator but he can't shoot. This guy is efficient as hell but he can't take over games by himself. Name me one 2 guard we can get that can do it ALL
  12. Ty Lawson is an absolute beast, you're crazy if you don't want him. He shoots 40% from 3, his efficiency is elite, he can handle the ball and take over games, he's athletic and young He likes the ball in his hand? so what, he'll learn to play off it. No big deal. The upsides totally outweigh the negatives
  13. Well, who do you want to play alongside Rose? We need another guy who basically can do the same things Rose does, isn't that the whole point? To get another guy who can be option 1a? We don't need a one trick pony at the 2, we need someone who has similar skill sets to Derrick imo.
  14. Its actually not, Thibs was frustrated with the amount of easy points we were leaving on the board because we couldn't reliably finish fast break opportunities. Too many times our fastbreaks turned into contested jumpers. It's not just about running and dunking either, it's about making the correct play for the easy bucket. and you'd be crazy not to want Monta or Ty if the price was reasonable. They're two guys who can legit take over games, isn't that exactly what we want next to Derrick?
  15. Nice red herring there, the issue here is Noah being one of the few guys on this team fast enough and good enough of a dribbler and passer to run the floor on this team. Not the fact that he rolled his ankle. Your C shouldn't be the one who has to do this. When the ball is turned over, the two guards need to SPRINT to the other side of the court as fast as possible. Brewer, Bogans...nah they ain't doin' that. They ain't doin' nuthin'. Rip, meh. He's no threat to finish at the basket but at least he's fast and a decent passer, so he has that going for him. Nate can be another guy like that for us.
  16. I'd love a Monta Ellis or a Ty Lawson or someone who actually is athletic like that to play offguard with Derrick. Not Ronnie freakin' Brewer, who can't dribble, can't pass and blows more dunks than he makes.
  17. Oh my, really? We weren't a very athletic team on offense in 2010-2011, we had no guards that could run the floor with Derrick. Zero, none, nada. That's probably why we rely on our center to run the floor a lot of the times. I remember thats how he rolled his ankle. He's a C running the floor and trying to play PG at the same time.
  18. It's official...North Korea has the ugliest women's soccer team.
  19. It's gonna be bases loaded for Adam Dunn again, isn't it? hmm
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