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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. Alexei is a grizzled vet, you don't need to send him a message like he's some rook with a bad attitude
  2. Alexei has a pretty long leash, I'd imagine. He's played great defense all year, I think we can allow him a few errors.
  3. Offense better carry us today. Quintana on his way to giving up 12
  4. Alexei has been terrible. The bobble last night, the bobble today, and now this
  5. We definitely gonna win 50...no, 55...no 60 games. If we win 30 though, whats the big deal? Just pretend we're tanking in that case, higher draft pick. It's all good.
  6. He's another fast guard, he can pass and he can handle the ball. What else do you need to be good on a fast break? Nate is gonna help our running game fo sho
  7. I think Deng and Brewer are actually pretty durn bad on fastbreaks. many times the past few years I'd watch this team blow fast break opportunities and I'd think good lord...we are terrible at these. I mean there's no serious way you can tell me Miami is just as good at converting fast break opportunities as us. I don't care what the stats say, when Miami turns the other team over theyre on the other side of the court dunking it in half a second. When we turn the other team over...guys like Deng and Brewer are nowhere near the play, or they mess the pass up or blow the dunk or just pull up for a J or something.
  8. Penetrate the lane, run the floor, these are actually very realistic expectations of what this roster is capable of Uh yeah, Rip Hamilton on the fast break. Did you not watch last season at all? I think we'd all agree Rip is not a good athlete. But AT LEAST he can run the floor with Derrick and be a threat to do something with the ball. I'm just illustrating how little things like that can actually help us.
  9. This is the part you come in and start making unrealistic suggestions for what we should have done? Before Rip Hamilton came here, we had nobody who could even run the floor with Derrick. I was happy we just stopped looking lost on fast break opportunities I'll try to survive
  10. It means players who can do things Carlos Boozer and Kurt Thomas can't.
  11. All I saw there was the fact that Brewer can't dribble
  12. Yeah, I'm not saying he's Russell Westbrook or anything. but He definitely shows enough athleticism to get up to the rim and put it in.
  13. Dude, Boozer cannot run the floor, and penetrate the lane and dunk. Comparing Boozers athleticism to Jimmy's is downright horrible.
  14. He can dunk, he can handle the ball a little and penetrate the lane and either lay it up or draw a foul. He can hit free throws at 80+%. He doesn't have a chicken wing arm that prevents him from ever being a consistent jump shooter. That's already better than Brewer. Defensively, he's not Ronnie Brewer but he's still very good. Stays with his man, challenges shots, doesn't foul much. Did a good job guarding Melo and Wade, wasn't lost or intimidated. Didn't make dumb mistakes.
  15. Butler is a real good athlete bro, not sure what you're seeing but...
  16. Nate is an actual NBA PG with years of experience. Lucas is a D league scrub. Nate can penetrate the lane and have some hope of finishing. Lucas cannot. Nate can pass the ball. Lucas can not. Let me just win this one bro, Nate is a much better player (not just athlete) than Lucas. and hell yes Butler is a better athlete than Brewer. What can Brewer do that Butler can't?
  17. Marco Bellinili is a better athlete than Korver. Butler is a better athlete than Brewer. Nate Robinson is a better athlete than Lucas. The improvement is gradual but enough to make an impact on games. I mean, we have actual guys that can execute a fast break now! A while ago we had nobody except Rose who would be good on a break.
  18. Can The Turd do this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z0HSthRy27I I think not
  19. well its true isn't it? Isnt Nate younger and more athletic than John Lucas III?
  20. Kirk is an upgrade over Watson. And Nate is a big upgrade over Lucas.
  21. Why not a trade that will upgrade our starting lineup? Kenny seems to have been able to get rotation guys for backups and minor leaguers up till this point, maybe he can work his magic again and get us a better 2B player
  22. Is kenny gonna address the offense at all or is he only going after pitchers now?
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