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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. They gonna be showing that all over ESPN and MLB network. :/ dammit guys
  2. I wish every one of our hitters was as discerning at the plate as Youk. We'd be the best team
  3. Is it safe to say that Sale is our ace, and not Peavy?
  4. wtf, my TV is way behind all you guys. I read the posts about the Youk bomb before it happened
  5. Viciedo goes into swing at everything mode = fail
  6. Didn't want to overpay for a rental any way...
  7. Yeah, and what's the lesson there? To me, the lesson is that there aren't really that many good teams in the NBA and we shouldn't feel so down on ourselves, because we aren't that far away.
  8. He was hitting good when his parents were there. Now he's back to popping everything up or grounding out. I don't know what to do but I agree that a trade may not necessarily be the solution here, even though I'm not opposed to it if a good trade comes along.
  9. I wonder what Coop could do with Garza...they not doing such a good job with him on the north side imo.
  10. That's a lot of deaths. How did they all die I wonder.
  11. Trading De Aza for a rental would be damn stupid imo
  12. Yeah, well it takes 2 teams to agree to a trade. It's not as easy as saying it.
  13. It's not like they didn't try. Dwight/Lebron/Wade, they didn't want to come here. It had nothing to do with money. Again, how is that Jerry's fault? At least put the blame where it belongs. The reason we aren't handing out huge contracts that would put us over the cap now is BECAUSE we want to have financial flexibility to acquire a 2nd star for Rose in the near future. Just blindly going over the cap is not necassarily going to make us better, you know? You have to make smart moves, both from a basketball and a financial point of view. Thats why not every big spending team is a good team. They spend, but they don't make good moves.
  14. but we're only stuck in limbo temporarily, and I'm ignoring last year because it wasn't a true representation of what our team can do. Derrick Rose ACL tear, am I supposed to bash Jerry for that? This team is built around Derrick Rose, go ahead and criticize that concept, I think you'd be justified. But to blame Jerry? I don't see it.
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