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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. Do people here just hold the Bulls to some impossible standard or what? We stayed under the tax and still managed to get to round 3. But somehow that shows how horrible we are and how we aren't committed to winning. Meanwhile, the Lakers spend 90 million and go out in 2 rounds, and somehow that shows how dedicated they are to winning and how we should emulate them.
  2. Here is the problem I have with Stevie's and Ky's argument, the heart of their argument goes like this: We didn't win in the past, so that means we can't win in the future. Isn't that a logical fallacy? imo, the fact that we win the regular season every year shows that we are a disciplined, stable and finely tuned machine. It shows that we ARE contenders. To them, it means nothing. The fact that we made it to round 3 shows that we are very close to winning it all. To them, it means nothing. We didn't win the title so everything we accompli8shed is meaningless. I just don't agree with that all or nothing mentality. 90 million and out in 2 rounds vs 70 million and out in 3. I'll take the latter every time.
  3. Wow, they made it to the 2nd round? We made it to the 3rd round the year before last. But when we do it, its meaningless to you. When the Lakers do it, it's justification for spending like a drunken sailor.
  4. Lakers have done nothing yet, we can only judge them by what they've done in the past. And in the recent past, they sucked, they were out of the playoffs faster than we were. Maybe *gasp* money doesn't solve every problem. Again, Dwight and Lebron and Wade did not want to come here. It wasn't an issue of money.
  5. But throwing money around solves every problem! Don't you know that? Just look at the Magic, they spent $73 million and now they're contenders!
  6. LOL @ Lakers spending 93 million on a team that's worse than ours.
  7. I hate Ozzie because I would have to strain to understand his post game rants. So nice to have a manager who speaks intelligible English. ...And who also does not go on post game rants.
  8. I've said this before half-jokingly but I think we should find a Chicago rapper that all the kids like and have him be our ambassador to these players. Like Jay-Z is for the Nets.
  9. I don't understand what you're criticizing, the lack of attempting to go for it or the lack of results? Because we did go for it pretty hard, there just weren't any good results that came of it. You can hardly blame Jerry for that. Maybe it's GarPax's fault that they don't do a good job of selling our city and team to these big name FA's
  10. Ozzie should be a god damn mental patient, I'm glad he's gone.
  11. I'm pretty sure we did attempt to "go for it". Lebron and Wade and Dwight didn't want to come here, how is that Jerrys fault?
  12. Indians sucking balls. Detroit having their way with them.
  13. Thats some very selective reasoning to say Jerry doesn't deserve credit for that. He WAS the owner of that team...We did get 7 championships under his stewardship.
  14. Things could always be better but they could always be worse as well. I'd like Mark Cuban as an owner, but I fear a James Dolan-type of owner. If Reinsdorf sells the team, what guarantee is there that Bulls would benefit? Even the article in your own link admits that Jerry is not averse to spending big money on the Bulls, we did hand out huge contracts to several players after all. He's said several times that he's willing to go into the tax for a contender. The 6 championships the Bulls won in the 90's don't count?
  15. You're like opposite me, reverse RZZZA from Bizarro world Where I see the silver lining, you see the dark cloud
  16. lol what? I have a hard time bashing our owner when the team he owns is better than 85% of the rest of the league, and is the 3rd most successful franchise in NBA history.
  17. Reinsdorf brought 7 championships to Chicago...
  18. It's stupid, honestly. There's a big problem with aging in our society. Aging gracefully has become a thing of the past, everyone wants to pretend to be younger than they are. Have you ever heard a person describe a 90 year old woman on her birthday and say she's "90 years young"....? lol
  19. Sox should hold a contest called "Pick Hawks new catchphrase"
  20. It's all good! lmao... nah Hawk, you gotta think of a new catchphrase. This one is terrible
  21. lol, Tank is being tested today. This game has been very weird, I want it to end quickly before something else flukey happens
  22. Dammit, Viciedo diving and landing on his face. stop that s***, this game is well in hand, you don't have to dive...
  23. Sprained ankles don't heal in one day, not even the most minor ones.
  24. We not gonna win many games with AJ and Youk both out of the lineup. Hopefully they heal fast.
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