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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. I met a girl a few days ago who I had to ask how old she was. Because she looked like she was about 17 years old, she had braces, but she claimed that she's actually a teacher for a 4th grade class. So I had to ask because she barely looked like she was out of grade school herself.
  2. Yeah, some people do get pregnant that young. My mom was that young when she was pregnant with my brother.
  3. Flowers has been swinging the bat pretty darn nice...
  4. Peavy's been kinda struggling in his last few starts. Not much different today.
  5. I wish we could play the Twins every week. This has been one entertaining series.
  6. Twins look like one sad ball club right now...
  7. LOL, my god. The Twins are horrible defensively.
  8. U.S. womens olympic soccer is like the only soccer that I actually enjoy watching. Go figure.
  9. I would try to move him around in the lineup a bit again before trading him...he was playing fantastic in those games where his parents attended. And he does have 9 homeruns for the season...I honestly remember only like 2 or 3 of those.
  10. Buehrle back sure would look nice...
  11. I believe that was their old owner, Michael Heisley, who had a vendetta against the Bulls. He's since sold the team.
  12. I didn't take his contract into account, I'm just saying we'll miss his stonewall-like defense (but not his stonewall-like hands). Have you guys taken a look at the Rockets roster thus far? It's lulzy http://www.nba.com/rockets/roster/2012
  13. Omer Asik ‏@AsikOmer Thank You Chicago for having me in your city for 2 years! So grateful for the opportunity and the great fans and support. I will miss you. Goodbye Omie We hardly knew ye... We are going to miss his defense and rebounding before all is said and done, mark it down. Quote me.
  14. Now that was a fun game. The Good Paul Konerko is back! He's been murdering the ball the past few games. Tyler Flowers is making some solid contact, a decisive improvement for him Adam Dunn hit #30, good job Big 'Un. The Bad Jose Quintana looked human The Ugly Gordon Beckham, ugh. He's becoming a real detriment to us at the plate.
  15. The Nets, really? Come on man. Just because a team makes a lot of big moves doesn't mean they're the right moves or that they're a good team. We're better than the damn Nets.
  16. Wait a minute, Malcolm Thomas might be good. You have people here complaining that the Bulls aren't taking chances on young players that could become key contributors for us in the long term, and at the same time people complaining that we're going after Malcolm Thomas. I'm glad they're taking a chance on a young stand out player.
  17. Do you consider that a major move? They replaced one old guy close to retirement with another. They still did nothing to address their main problem, which was their core getting older and their lack of rebounding. They needed a real C, not another perimeter player imo.
  18. Wait, what major moves did the Celtics make? They lost Ray Allen for nothing and they re-signed an old ass Kevin Garnett. They still have no real Center on the roster, and their rebounding is terrible.
  19. oh, woops. Like I said, he's training with Kareem man! He's gonna come back and put up 20 PPG! lol
  20. He's training with Hakeem man, he's gonna come back and put up 20 PPG then in 2013-2014, when Derrick is healthy, he'll be a better player. All these guys will be better players because they'll have played the majority of the season without Derrick bailing them out all the time.
  21. I agree completely, can you work on convincing KY of that?
  22. You're basically saying we should have tanked hardcore this season. The Bulls have chosen not to do that for whatever reason, maybe it's pride. Trading Noah is also something that I doubt will make us any better. We don't get better by creating new holes. If we did all that, our defense and rebounding would disappear. It's really tough to find a good C like Noah in the league.
  23. I really don't think LA or Dallas or Boston was better than us at any point the last 2 years.
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