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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. Yeah, I feel you there. I don't see how the Nazr signing is a good one either. I'm very concerned about our PG and C depth going forward.
  2. But can we win a title if we keep the core of Rose/Noah/Taj and switch Boozer and Deng for better players? Because I take it that's the long term plan going forward.
  3. I don't understand what you're expecting really, besides being an elite team that contends for a title every year. The Thunder have 3 young super stars and they lost to the Heat in 5 just like we did. Do you expect us to be the Heat? We can't. Not every team in the NBA can be a Miami Heat. Those guys colluded to go to South Beach, they took pay cuts. We assembled a team we mostly drafted and developed ourselves and we became an elite team in the league, nobody is better than us when we're healthy (except arguably the Heat). There's lots to be proud of here. I love our guys, I love our core, I think we can win with this core.
  4. Let's hug it out bro, we may disagree vehemently but I have nothing against you.
  5. It's not luck though that we drafted Rose, there were arguments at the time about who was better, Rose or Beasley. We needed a PF at the time too. And it's also not luck that we developed Rose into an elite superstar type of player. Beasley went to Miami, and floundered. We draft and develop young talent, we're really good at that, that's not luck at all.
  6. If you don't like Luol Deng/Joakim Noah/Taj Gibson then just gtfo, you aren't a Bulls fan. They're part of our core. If you don't like our core, don't like our team, don't like our FO, and all you do is whine about how much we suck, why are you even a Bulls fan?
  7. Malcontent. Malcontent. Bulls could have picked Michael Beasley instead of Derrick Rose, do you forget that? We're still an elite team in the league, nobody besides the Heat was better than the 2011 Bulls pre-injuries. Who was better than us? The mighty Thunder, who lost in 5 to the Heat? Well, we can manage to lose in 5 to the Heat just fine by ourselves, and we don't even have Durant/Westbrook/Harden/Ibaka on our team. LOL.
  8. Butler looks good to me, he's like the Jose Quintana of the NBA. He doesn't get rattled. He was guarding Melo in his rookie year, and doing a fine job of it. That's impressive to me. I'm glad they're telling him to be more aggressive now, because he draws fouls and makes his free throws. I'm excited about watching this kid play bigger minutes
  9. Thibs is willing to give rookies some minutes if they show that they aren't a detriment to the team out there. He didn't give many minutes to James Johnson. Teague, at this point, I'm afraid he'll be a detriment to the team. He can't run an offense, he can't shoot, he can't defend well and from what I saw he had trouble finishing at the rim in summer league. He's just not a good NBA player right now. Giving him minutes would be a mistake, unless the plan is to tank.
  10. Because there's a difference between adding NBA ready youth and taking a chance on a raw second round pick that might not pan out. Marco is a proven NBA player, and he's relatively young with room to grow. Butler, the same. A 2nd round pick might end up like Teague: Young but raw and unready to contribute.
  11. I hope we send him down to the D league. He's not ready for prime time. Thibs is gonna play young guys, he's gonna give minutes to Butler. Jimmy has shown he can handle the NBA game, Teague has shown that he can't even handle summer league.
  12. Butler is more athletic and younger than Brewer, and Marco is more athletic and younger than Korver.
  13. We've improved noticeably in three places C.J. -----> Kirk Brewer -----> Butler Korver------> Marco In all three cases we went from one dimensional players to multi-dimensional players
  14. *sigh*...We didn't sit on our ass and do nothing, we went about the business of reforming our bench. Adding younger talent, better back ups, more athleticism and more ball handlers. Minor moves, I know. Not the exciting big trades for a super star every unrealistic Bulls fan seems to crave for. But minor moves can still have a big impact.
  15. ....Again, everybody knew we'd have to take a step back after Derricks ACL injury.
  16. We switched out our over rated all-defense bench for a younger, more athletic, more offensively capable bench.
  17. Everybody knew we'd have to take a temporary step back as soon as news of Derrick Rose's ACL injury started to trickle out. Now that it's happened, people are acting surprised. Things are always darkest before the dawn. Yes we got better. Replacing C.J. and Brewer makes us better. Replacing Korver with Marco makes us better. Losing Asik makes us worse, but not taking on his contract makes us better.
  18. No, let's despair and wallow in self pity and disappointment instead. get over it guys, honestly...Bulls fans have become such a whiny bunch....
  19. Because 2000 was pre- GarPax era, and in 2010 we got played by Lebron and Wade just like New York did. It's not random at all, there's nothing random about picking Rose over Beasley, that was a sound business decision. There's nothing random about striking gold by picking Luol Deng, Joakim Noah, Taj Gibson and developing these players into contributors for an elite team in the NBA that won the #1 seed two times in a row. Like it or not, but winning the #1 seed more than once shows that we ARE a legit contender for a title. Bad teams don't play consistently well enough to win #1 seeds.
  20. Bulls have already diplomatically stated that they do not expect Teague to contribute this year. He's really raw, and Thibs is not the type of coach that has much patience for rookie growing pains. I'll be surprised if Teague plays anything more than a few minutes here or there in garbage time. Foye has signed with Utah, so he's off the table.
  21. Good to see the offense come through because Gavin was struggling noticeably. These guys look tired to me, all of them. Plus it was ungodly humid today. It's nice to be home. I hope they all get a massage and a long nights sleep.
  22. I'll bet you right now we still gonna win 50 games this year. I have no idea why you over rate our old bench so much and under rate our new bench so much. Yeah, Foye and Bellineli are garbage...but C.J. Watson and Brewer, there were some great players! right? Brewer still hasn't been picked up by anyone yet btw
  23. Bro, C.J. Watson wasn't good either. He was seriously one of the most ineffieint PGs in the NBA these last two seasons. Foye and his 51% TS% is better than Watson and his 49% TS%.
  24. Well other people on this page agree that Foye and Bellinili are quality bench players so you can ROFL and LMAO at them too. You're just a malcontent KY
  25. No, I wouldn't laugh at other teams signing quality bench depth. Some signings I'm not so crazy about, like Nazr Muhammed? I don't like that guy. I really think people like you are upset because you just havent seen these guys play yet. The moment you see our bench clicking and doing well, and our starters healthy, and Stacey King thinking up new nicknames for these guys....you'll love them, you'll cheer for them, you'll forget you were ever complaining about these signings. Our old bench was not that good. The only reason they were good, is because of their defense and their chemistry. Well I'm not seeing anybody here clamoring for us to re-sign Asik and Brewer, so the defense is gone. Now we're signing guys who can score. It'll be a different bench, it'll take a while for the chemistry to get there, but I definitely believe this bench can be better than our old bench. Especially when all our starters are healthy again. This is good depth here.
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