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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. At least A.J. didn't bobble the ball that time...
  2. But was there any better defensive frontcourt duo in the league than Asik/Taj? I don't think so...I'll miss that.
  3. That ADA bomb that Austin made that BS over head catch on...
  4. Thank god. Should be 2-0 right now but whatever...
  5. Whats that make it now, 9 Lions players arrested? s*** man, the whole team is gonna be suspended. This'll make it easier on us.
  6. Oh God, Tyler Flowers in the lineup. That's not gonna help our offense any.
  7. But he went to a therapist and is reformed! This is America, we believe in reformation and rehabilitation.
  8. I wonder how many great men in history have been wife beaters....? Not just wife beaters either, but rapists and murderers too.
  9. Yeah, I'm gonna disagree with you. I don't think Nazr is an upgrade over Asik. But on the bright side, I think we've upgraded our bench every where else, especially if we sign Marco Bellineli as it is rumored that we will.
  10. Interesting. MT @PeterVecsey1: Nazr Mohammed agreed to sign w Bulls (vs. Nets) meaning they won't match Houston offer match sheet to Asik PeterVecsey1 @dparks24 No. Not positive about offer sheet. Positive about Nazr to Bulls View conversation
  11. Stacey King ‏@Sky21King Just saw the dunks by the kid Malcolm Thomas! OMG! That kid can play! #HOP where's my poster machine! #Nasty Stacey King ‏@Sky21King Jimmy Butler is playing with so much confidence this summer. I'm expecting a breakout season from him. Great kid, great work ethic! lol, I love Stacey. He's like the Hawk of the NBA world
  12. Watching our Summer League team vs the Clippers... Jimmy Butler looks damn good, this guy is already a legit NBA bench player imo. Teague just looks horrible Malcolm Thomas, my god! He was throwing down thunder out there. What is he averaging like a double double in these games so far? Could be a nice bench player for us.
  13. pretty much the same exact thing as Peavy last game. 1 bad inning and great the rest. At some point we have to score runs, it doesn't matter how great our pitching is if we can't score
  14. Adam Dunn strike out to end it. There's a shocker. Embarrassing, on national TV, these guys have to be embarrassed right now for themselves
  15. Remember when Beckham played great for about a week? Those were the times...
  16. 2 outs and cant get the third until its too late? Same old song and dance. Come on punk, nut up.
  17. Meh, I don't like giving them excuses like this. The fact that they suck right now and can't hit anything has had a big impact.
  18. Porcello is such a fat guy name, isn't it? When you hear it you think it should belong to a big jolly fat man.
  19. Why don't we make Alex Rios our #3 hitter then?
  20. You know how Hawk says, in the game of baseball you have to catch the ball? well, unfortunately for us, you also have to hit the ball.
  21. What the hell is with this music choice? First My Name is by Eminem, now Cruel Summer by Bananarama? Way to stay with the times, FOX.
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