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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. Oh thank God. Scoring that run hopefully gets the monkey off our back.
  2. I agree that something needs to be done to this lineup. There's nothing consistent about any of these guys, except for Rios.
  3. Sale looks ok now...throwing strikes at least.
  4. To me the FOX picture doesn't look as crisp for some reason as CSN's or WGN's image.
  5. Who knows, but we really haven't been playing well on offense since the ASB. The injection of Youk carried us for a while but now that magic has worn off a bit.
  6. If the wife, the actual victim in this situation, has forgiven him then I don't see any reason why a 3rd party like the people on this forum can't do so too. Assuming the guy is a terrible human being who beats his wife on a habitual basis seems like conjecture to me.
  7. So you're saying you'd never hit a woman? what if she superglued your penis to your stomach? What if she was about to slice your nuts off with an exacto knife?
  8. I'd totally hit a woman in the face too. Like if she kidnapped my children and superglued my penis to my stomach and bankrupted me and gave my mother a heart attack. ..... but I digress, if this helps the team then I'm all for it.
  9. SUUUUUUUUUCK I miss having fun watching the Sox play. Someone remember how to hit! please.
  10. Yeah Stern, it'll being in 100 mil to the NBA, but next explain how that money will provide us with a better product? I suspect it's just going directly into the owners pockets.
  11. Yeah, i feel ya. That was absolutely horrid. Definitely one of the top 3 losses of the season so far. Peavy is pitching tonight which means we're getting as much run support as we got last night :/
  12. Hey, there's a lot of meaningful history behind some of these jerseys. You can't just go messing with it all willy nilly. all willy nilly!
  13. I hate that crap. I was just watching MLS a few days ago, the Fire were playing, and instead of it saying 'Fire' on their jerseys its said "Quakers". I was like..wtf? Wtf is Quakers? We're the Quakers now? Turns out Quaker Oats sponsors their jerseys. How lame is that?
  14. What a horrible idea...get ready for the uniforms to be completely ruined.
  15. The point is that they're both dependent on a play maker for their offense. We don't need another guy at SG who is wholly dependent on Rose. The whole point here is to UPGRADE the SG position and find a long term solution to grow beside Rose and take some of the pressure off him. Courtney Lee is just a roleplayer.
  16. God, our offense is such a giant pile of s***. It's an absolute shame we couldn't win this one for Q after he pitched another masterpiece. Second game like this where we blew it after he had a stellar pitching performance. f*** you De Aza f*** you Dunn f*** you Paulie f*** you A.J. f*** you everybody else in the lineup tonight you blew it
  17. Mehh...there weren't any great SGs on the market this offseason, and we didn't have the cap money for them any way. The best SG was Ray Allen and he just wanted to go to Miami. Second best was Mayo but even he was a project type of player. He's never put up big stats in the NBA. Bulls say they want to work on extending Taj now so I hope they do that. Let Asik walk, extend Taj, and I'll consider this offseason a C.
  18. Yeah, I'd rather have Hinrich than Lee. Lee is not that good. I wanted Mayo as a project player but Lee is no kind of answer for us, long term or short term. He's just gonna stand on the perimeter and wait for someone to toss him the ball just like a younger version of Bogans. Not a fan of his game.
  19. nah, we really didn't. Unless you want to send them Jimmy Butler? Two completely different types of players.
  20. Courtney Lee is not even that good, I wouldn't want to give him more than a 2 year
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