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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. Yesterday you said the Bulls need a new coach, and blamed Thibs for Derrick getting injured. And today you're hating on Thibs again. If you didn't outright say you want him fired, you certainly hinted at it very strongly. You are allowing Thibs absolutely NO ROOM for error considering it's his first year as a HC. a 1 year contract as you propose is a vote of no confidence in your coach. It would cripple his ability to lead a team.
  2. But firing the coach is the issue here, you're suggesting we fire our coach
  3. Badger do you realize we were a newly formed team in year 1, with a 22 year old PG having his first break out season in the NBA, and a new head coach, and a team whose core is making their first ECF appearance, facing a team full of veterans of many playoff runs? We got beat. We were inexperienced. We didn't play well. You learn, you grow from it. You don't blow it up just because you lose. That's a panic move bro.
  4. It's so hard to judge in a lockout season. I'm hoping some of these guys who had down years (including Asik) can come back and have better years for us. Adam Dunn rebounded, I believe in miracles.
  5. Yeah, except I fear hamilton proved to be much worse on defense than Thibs had anticipated...
  6. Yeah, but you're suggesting we fire our head coach? Thats considered blowing it up where I come from. Yes we should improve our roster, but not by trading our core and not by getting a new coach.
  7. A lot of inexperience between a 22 year old PG and a first year head coach and a newly assembled team. We didn't beat the Heat in the ECF -----> We are never going to beat the Heat and should blow it up I just don't agree with that logic
  8. Exactly, and I hate to see people repeating the myth that Lebron "shut Rose down" in that series. Such an oversimplification.
  9. You can package picks to either move up in the draft or include in a larger package for a good player. Picks are never useless
  10. 2nds aren't useless man, picks are gold in the NBA. We got an asset for Korver and we save money, good deal.
  11. yes, a 2nd rounder. Now I like this deal a lot better.
  12. Check out this thread if you want a detailed break down of Asiks impact on the floor http://forums.realgm.com/boards/viewtopic....0&t=1191421
  13. It doesn't mean much really. A lower D rating is better, but D rating is a stat that is influenced heavily by the other players on the team so it doesn't tell you much about individual defense
  14. Don't sell Asik short, not easy to be an elite defender/rebounder like him
  15. yeeeppp...Korver was a damn good 3pt shooter. Maybe they'll sign a one dimensional guy for the min or something now.
  16. I will miss the hot sauce this team just got a whole lot less sexy
  17. "Adam Schefter ‏@AdamSchefter RT @jw11873: Enough on Brees, what about Forte? ... Met with him today, will run on SportsCenter. He's optimistic there'll be a deal by Mon. "
  18. Rose did not play well in any game besides the 1st game in that Heat series. So to paraphrase his struggles as "putting Lebron on him" is a vast oversimplification and gives far too much credit to Lebron. Look at his series stats, he went 7-23 in game 2. He went 8-27 in game 4. He went 9 for 29 in game 5. Lebron was on him, what, maybe 3 or 4 minutes TOTAL in the whole series? And only at the end of games?
  19. Hey, stop whining We're having a crappy year, all of us know this.
  20. Not sure what their plan is with Asik but I'm sure they have one...
  21. 6 months sounds good to me. The point is, I think, to eventually trade him.
  22. Match and trade sounds good to me. I'm not going to freak out about this like I'm sure 75% of Bulls fandom will.
  23. Per Jason LaConfora on CBSSports.com "League sources said there has been considerable progress between the Bears and Matt Forte as well. There are still issues to hash out regarding the average per year on the deal over the first three years, and how it could compare to say Marshawn Lynch's new deal, but there has been movement on what the deal might look like over five years. While this prognosis looks promising, sources said there is still a stalemate between Baltimore and its star runner, Ray Rice. It would take a major reversal over the weekend to get this kick-started." http://www.cbssports.com/columns/story/195...might-get-deals
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