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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. And what if Kirk gets hurt? Thibs will have his choice between a 19 year old unproven rookie and a 6 year veteran of the NBA in Ridnour. *shrug*
  2. Yeah but we still need a back up PG, we're going into the season with one proven PG on the roster.
  3. Why? He's an nba veteran and at least is a proven commodity. Another back up PG in case one of ours gets hurt wouldn't be so bad. 12 points/5 assists in 30 minutes on average efficiency
  4. I hope its Luke Ridnour... he's not great but he's way better than Wayne Ellington or Malcolm Lee...
  5. It's gotta be Wayne Ellington or Malcom Lee, otherwise we don't save any money...
  6. LOL... What do the Wolves have that we would want...?
  7. Butler is primarily a defender, he does it well. MarShon is primarily a jumpshooter, his TS% is lower than Jimmys. Will they get better? Yes. Do I want MarShon? No, he kinda sucks.
  8. uh, I wasn't judging him based on 5 summer league quarters? I was just stating a fact. I can judge him based on his rookie season stats though, especially his shooting statistics, which were below average.
  9. You know it. Bulls set to appear in summer League games on NBA TV starting July 17. Teague will play, as will Leon Powe and Jermaine Taylor.
  10. God that's a horrible idea; you don't want to be listening to Kaplan on NBA advice.
  11. That wasn't even a game. That was a straight up ass whupping. Verlander crapped himself in the 1st, overrated bum
  12. They've been talking up that Hester Package as if he'll be a legit WR though. Not saying more targets than Marshall or Bennett, but certainly could be more than Jefferey or Thomas. Then again it could be offseason propaganda and nothing more
  13. I will assume that Asik is not matched and Taj is resigned. He's not gonna get anything more than 8 mill per year, thats worst case scenario. So Bulls stand to have about $21-$24 million off the cap in 2 years? somewhere around there, correct me if I'm wrong
  14. In 2 years we can hypothetically have Boozer gone, Deng gone, and Rip gone. CJ Watsons contract is replaced by Hinrich's, and Ronnie Brewers 4 million, let's say that goes to Roses extension so he earns around 19 million per year, right? We can have around $30 million off the cap in 2 years, roughly.
  15. They're not done making moves yet so for all we know the bench mob might be stronger. If they re-sign Korver and match Asik, thats a stronger bench mob right there.
  16. Apparently he also has to worry about being a WR, Bears sound determined to make the Hester Package a staple of the offense.
  17. Thank you, Amen. I'm indifferent to which approach to take, I see merit in both ways. But lets not act that either way is a certainty. Nothing is for certain. Bulls could get better if they blow it up now, or we could get worse. I know that the Bulls FO is better than making a panic move like this now. They will retool, but they will do it slowly. Boozer gone after this year is a great start.
  18. I'm just saying good luck played a huge part in the Heat winning. And it could play a huge part in us winning. Luck is a factor in all sports, its a factor in every victory or defeat.
  19. OKC only won one game against the Heat, do you think the Spurs or Lakers couldn't have done at least that? It's not as simpel as saying Heat > OKC > Spurs therefore Heat > Spurs
  20. Yes, LBJ and Wade getting hurt would be lucky for us. If you look at the Heats title run, an amazing amount of lucky happenings aided them. 1. Derrick Rose got hurt, taking the Bulls out of contention 2. Dwight Howard got hurt, taking the Magic out of contention. 3. Ray Allen and Avery Bradley got injured, severely weakening the Celtics. 4. Spurs and Lakers got eliminated, either one of them might have given the Heat a better fight than the inexperienced OKC team 5. Shane Battier, Mike Miller and Mario Chalmers got hot. Health/good luck is needed for any title run, Bulls just have not had it the past 2 years.
  21. Less unlikely than the Bulls making a panic move and blowing it up now, I should think.
  22. MarShon Brooks playing in summer league on NBA TV right now. Went 0-10 yesterday and started 0-2 today so far...
  23. It's not happening so might as well not even waste a thought on it. Bulls know they have to stay conservative, they're of the mindset that I share, which is that this is a championship contending core that only needs health and a run of good luck to contend. They know they need to make some changes but they're in no rush to do it, and certainly aren't going to make panic moves.
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