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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. Here comes Viciedo, taking strikes and swinging at balls. Dammit Dayan
  2. Youk is so smart at the plate. Wish he'd teach our other guys.
  3. I wonder if the Sox plan on scoring today?
  4. Tyler Flowers is a worse hitter than Orlando Hudson. That's a feat. Congratulations Tyler.
  5. I keep wanting to call him Carlos Quintana. I have no idea why...
  6. I think Quintana has impressed enough people already to guarantee himself a spot in next years rotation, no? Maybe our new #5?
  7. You got the juice now, Q. You got the juice! Quintana cruises through 2 innings
  8. Ewww....horrible line up. So much for the sweep...
  9. Well I cant judge a team based on how good they might be in the future, can I?
  10. OKC, no. They lost in 5 against the Heat just like we did and they play sucky defense Lakers, no. They have a ton of holes, and no bench. Heat, maybe. It's close. We can beat them.
  11. They'll be fun to watch next year, for sure. I'm starting to believe that luck with injuries is the biggest determinating factor between having a terrible season and winning a championship, not stuff like 'having good players' or 'having a good team'. Last year I thought the Clips would be really good. But then Billups got hurt and they just never put it together.
  12. Damn Tigers and Indians keep winning right along with us though. Someone help us out!
  13. Whatever, he's damn near 40 years old. Lets see how long they benefit before they regret this. 4 draft picks?
  14. Rose owns Nash, and Kobe is nothing but a chucker that stifles his teams offense these days. Bulls a much better team
  15. So let's add up the teams Bulls fans apparently think we're inferior to... Heat, Lakers, OKC...anyone else?
  16. Oh boy...now the Bulls can't beat the Lakers? The lack of faith many Bulls fans show about their own team is disturbing I'm of a mind that we can beat anyone, when this team is healthy.
  17. Sox fans love Youkilis. Listen to them Youk-it-up... Good job Kenny
  18. We split with the Yanks, we win 2 out of 3 vs Rangers... this team is for real. Someone alert the media.
  19. Why didn't Ventura pinch run for De Aza considering he just hurt his knee...?
  20. Adam Dunn walk off HR. Crowd cheers and chants his name. Team tries to carry him on their shoulders but is crushed beneath his weight
  21. It's L.A., N.Y., South Beach then......................................................... ....................... Bulls. Maybe. But Probably not.
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