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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. I think the offense is starting to look worse as every inning goes by. I'm a Sox fan, not a Rangers fan. This game is right there for the taking
  2. Apparently we really want to lose this game. Offense has done s*** and f*** all since that 2nd inning
  3. 3 strike outs for AJ in one game, this is getting ridiculous
  4. Another 1-2-3 inning? Our offense is really good at those
  5. Dammit. All our trouble today seems to come with 2 outs.
  6. The call was made and the game has moved on. No sense crying over spilled milk.
  7. AJ has been one of the worst offenders this year of not taking pitches, of just swinging at anything. strange, from a veteran
  8. Yeah, he gave up 4 to the Rangers. Not bad, all things considered. Glad he didn't fall apart.
  9. Jesus christ, we're hitting everything to Kinsler. Right at him.
  10. I'd say so. He just made another fantastic defensive play.
  11. Yeah, thats what I meant. I meant he's striking out more than last year
  12. So...Feldman threw like 6 pitches in that inning? Not good
  13. Could this explain the Bulls wanting to match Asik? Noah has yet to play a full season, every year he seems to miss at least 15 games due to some injury or another.
  14. I hope Kenny pulls a trade out of his ass. Except I'm not sure we have anything left to trade
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