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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. Dang, another run would have been nice to put Dylan at ease
  2. Kicking the crap out of the Rangers should really help with that attendance number
  3. Indians killing the damn Angels, damn. We're getting no help in gaining separation from our rivals
  4. Happy Birthday America To 236 more years, at least!
  5. That foreigner is apparently the highest scoring forward in Euro league. Dead eye 3pt shooter
  6. WOW is all I can say. Shame I couldn't catch this one live. But I watched the DVR of it. Is the Rangers pitching that bad or what? No matter who they brought in we just kept shelling them... Of course now this means we're going to score 2 runs in the next 2 games combined, doesn't it? I bet Peavy is mad, he's like 'why doesn't this happen when I pitch?'
  7. Rose can blow past ANYONE, it takes a team effort to actually stop him. Heat brought the help defense to wall him off in the paint. It was a team effort. I hate when people say it was just Lebron that stopped Rose.
  8. Deron Williams just reached a deal with the Nets. 5 year/$100 million
  9. Rose could get by Lebron, but he ran into a wall of help defense in the paint. I saw a guy total up the amount of minutes Lebron was on Rose in the ECF, it it totaled up to about 3 minutes.
  10. But why do you like it if it hurts the team? I mean, it doesn't matter to me if some guy makes 95 million or 85 million. He's rich either way. I just really don't get the Derrick Rose rule, to me its just another thing that hamstrings us
  11. But Rose played bad in that entire series, and Lebron was barely even on him. How do you explain that? Rose was just bad, he was bad regardless of who guarded him.
  12. damn right. That I agree with. A lot of people on the Bulls played crappy in that series. And everything came together perfectly for the Heat. Remember back when you said everything has to come together perfectly for the Bulls to be able to beat the Heat? Well, everything came together perfectly for the Heat in that series. The only one who played kinda bad was Wade. But Bosh made up for it by killing us, and even Miller and Haslem contributed when it as needed
  13. Why should we listen to you at all in regards to when Rose should be back and when he should not be back? Let the professionals handle it, dude. He'll be back on the court when the doctors and medical trainers think its appropriate.
  14. Do you like the Derrick Rose rule? I think its crappy.
  15. I saw a D.Rose that did not play well at all in that series. He was crappy when Mike Bibby was on him. It was hardly just Lebron that made him play bad.
  16. It's just crazy to think that Lebron signed for a smaller contract than Derrick. I love my boy D.Rose but come on...the best player in the NBA is getting paid less. Its a little ridiculous.
  17. Huh? I'm just saying its a total myth that LEbron shuts Rose down. Leave Lebron on Rose for the duration of a game, Rose would blow by him like he blows past anyone. The reason the Heat were successful in guarding the Bulls was not as simple to explain as "put Lebron on Rose". It was a team effort.
  18. I think the doctors know when its best for him to come back. Sitting out a full year just because is not good for his recovery. His muscles will begin to deteriorate, he'll become weaker, he might never regain his bounce that way.
  19. no, it was that "Derrick Rose rule" thing in the CBA. For some reason, they agreed to put that into the new CBA.
  20. thats another thing, the whole "put lebron on Rose to shut him down" thing is a myth imo. In the ECF Lebron guarded Rose for all of 3 minutes total.
  21. mind-boggling. Who the hell agreed to that...? How are we supposed to put good players around him with a prohibitive contract like that?
  22. Rose's contract says 6.9million/6yr right now. Are you telling me it spikes to almost 3 times as much by next year?
  23. Which star should they add? How? Its easy to say they should, much harder to do. I mean they were all set to go after Dwight, but the fool doesn't want to come here. Thats ALWAYS how it is with FA's and Chicago, nobody wants to be here
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