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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. Noah is not as good of a rim protector as Asik. Noah has his own things he does well. He's a better man defender, a better perimeter defender, a better rebounder, a better scorer.
  2. What the...do you even watch the Bulls? Asik helps us because he protects the rim and shuts down driving lanes. Of course he helps us against Miami. Wade and Lebron are not gonna have such an easy time driving on Asik, are they? Theyre gonna have to change the trajectory on all their shots when he's there, aren't they?
  3. So what though? There's teams in the NBA that have elite super stars on the perimeter, they don't need guys in the middle taking shots away from them. Houston is probably not one of those teams though. My point is, having a guy in the middle who is all defense and no offense is not such a big handicap as you make it out to be. Not for every team. Imagine Miami with Asik at C. Good God.
  4. Thibs used him at the end of games all the time man, what are you talking about? He's never a non factor, his presence in the post alone changes the trajectory of so many shots. Forget his free throws, forget his offense entirely. Asik =/= offense.
  5. He is not over rated for what he's expected to do. He is an ELITE rim protector, and also an elite rebounder given the minutes he plays. Everything else you said, its not his game. He's not charged with passing or playing offense. I know nowadays people tend to like flashy offense and they tend to ignore defense but...
  6. Taj plays a different position than Asik, lol Why do people keep saying don't match? You realize we lose him for nothing then right? Are you guys happy to lose a guy we drafted and developed, who has tremendous value in todays NBA, for nothing? I hope our GM isn't this shortsighted
  7. Ohh...it's all over. Where are my suicide pills? WORST SEASON EVER
  8. thats an interesting take. Imo, that last at bat by Ramirez personified in microcosm whats wrong with this team. Too many guys swing at pitches that would be balls and walks if they just took them. But they swing at it because they want every at bat to be a hit or a HR. We're a big power team, which means we need guys on base to take advantage of the homers we hit. But guys aren't getting on base enough.
  9. Detroit and Cleveland gain another game on us. s*** Funny how the two rookie pitchers lead us to victories. And the two veteran pitchers lead us towards losses. It's not really their fault but its just funny how things work. With this stacked lineup its embarrassing that we can't score runs. Somebody pinpoint what the hell is the matter with this team? And don't say we got beat by a good pitcher, thats not a valid excuse.
  10. All this arguing about Viciedo, has anyone noticed we just lost the game?
  11. WTF are you swinging at? Garbage, absolute garbage. Viciedo shows patience at the plate ,so what does Alexai do? Walks right up there and swings at garbage. perfect, brilliant.
  12. What a lame offense this is. Tired of it. And someone is going to tell me that the opposing pitcher was great. And I'm going to say how we can't beat good pitchers and how that is a problem.
  13. damn streaky offense. Score 14 one day, then 0 the next, then 2 the next. Wack.
  14. Ok guys. Lets make this inning last longer than 30 seconds this time.
  15. Really? To me it seems like Viciedo is vulnerable to high fastballs and anything thats away.
  16. wow, seriously. We blow our load on offense faster than a virgin on prom night.
  17. It's way too early to say that Viciedo has not shown a 'capacity to improve'. We'll see how he plays next year.
  18. Tell me about it. He's brutal. Someone must have told him that walking is for girls at some point in his career because he's allergic to it.
  19. Paulie is a good hitter. Viciedo is just a hacker, he's in the Adam Dunn mold I fear.
  20. Ughhh...its torture watching Floyd. Torture. Why is Ventura torturing us with this nonsense?
  21. I used to be a pitcher you know.... in little league
  22. I think I could strike that dude out with the way he's been swinging at any garbage at all
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