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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. Nice! finally some luck. Come on Gavin, one more and you dodge a big bullet
  2. You suck Gavin. Way to show up ready to play.
  3. Well...Gavin is getting destroyed. Not good.
  4. Stony is right. It's a shame the world only cares about Yankees and Texans.
  5. RIOSSS!!! Yes we are crushing this guy. Gonna be a big day if this inning is any indication
  6. YES! We scored in the first inning! how rare
  7. Let's kill these bastards. Straight up murder.
  8. Adam Dunn in the homerun derby? He might be the first player in history whose strike outs will outnumber the HR's he hits
  9. A lot of players that aren't even in the league right now have the 'unique' ability to be tall. We can get one of them for the vet minimum to play 12 minutes per game in a defensive role, and trade Asik and get our studly young 2 guard of the future to grow along side Derrick
  10. What about De Aza? He's been playing his butt off for us since last year and deserves a little recognition
  11. I'm not a big fan of Asik, his ceiling is so very low offensively, his hands are terrible, and he still can't hardly play more than a backup role because he fouls out too quickly and doesn't have the conditioning for it. If we could get a young SG with a high ceiling for him we should have done it.
  12. Probably more than we can offer. God this entire year has just sucked in so many ways.
  13. If Asik leaves for nothing I'm gonna be PISSED. We could have traded him last year for O.J. Mayo or Courtney Lee.
  14. I think the thing is that the Bulls don't want to let Asik go for nothing. They want to extend him for a small amount now and then trade him in a years time. At least, thats what I've heard.
  15. And if we keep Asik but let Gibson go, that would be a big mistake. I hope we trade Asik after this year and extend Taj
  16. Good, I'm glad Lu is gonna stay a Bull. He's my favorite player. And when he's healthy is a damn good player, too. We should tough it out with this core for another year, then amnesty Boozer and throw some money at a FA SG. Rose/Deng/Noah/Thibs ARE the Bulls.
  17. Come on Soriano. Pull a Marmol.
  18. exactly. And I understand losing, but getting shut out as many times as we do? That I don't understand.
  19. Quintana gave up 4 runs in one inning last night and the offense had his back. All these guys better apologize to Peavy after this game is over.
  20. Not sure why Peavy is still in there...
  21. Can't win every game but I'd just like to not be shut out so darn much.
  22. Hey Flowers, maybe baseball just isnt for you. You should try out for the Bears, we need a LT.
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