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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. But is this because they're not listening to what he's saying? I'm not blaming the hitting coach, maybe he's teaching them the right stuff but they just aren't listening. I don't know. My problem is not even with the lack of hitting, it's with the constant swinging at bad pitches, going down 0-2 all the time, and the one-pitch-one-outs.
  2. Are you just joshing me? We just hired the guy we're not gonna fire him. And I'm not suggesting we do, I'm just asking what Manto is telling these guys. To be honest I'm not seeing a lot of patience up there. I see it sometimes but its not consistent.
  3. Whats jeff manto's batting philosophy, does anyone know? Is he a proponent of being patient at the plate and taking walks? Do our guys listen to him?
  4. Yeah, i don't care how well Peavy could have pitched tonight, we weren't gonna win this game scoring only 1 run
  5. Somebody get on base. Stop trying to obliterate the ball and just get on base
  6. lol...thats some funny stuff right there
  7. Hey but usually we at least do some things right as a team. The offense shows up but the pitching blows it. Or the pitching is great but the offense sucks. And our fielding is usually great. Tonight is a train wreck for all 3 aspects of the game, haven't seen many all around poor efforts like this this year
  8. Why did we trade Sergio Santos? That guy was getting fools out left and right last year pretty much all year long.
  9. I can't think of one thing we did good today. Defensive play, terrible. Pitching, awful. Offense, horrid.
  10. woopee, will ohman loosening up in the bullpen. My worries have been abated.
  11. Lol Dunn....the Carlos Boozer of the Sox.
  12. Why do so many of our guys get into swing happy mode? Instead of letting the pitcher make the mistake and walk them, they bail the pitcher out by continuously swinging at balls...
  13. Holy crap. Did every single one of our pitchers decide to smoke a blunt before todays game?
  14. lol, I think the fastest I could throw is 50 mph. My pitches wouldn't all be out of the zone though
  15. Doesn't it seem like every ball they've hit today has been in a gap, and every ball we hit is right at somebody?
  16. what percentage would you put on that?
  17. I dont think there's anything special going on in this game. The offense sucks balls, but its been sucking those balls for weeks now. We have to be able to score more than 3 runs in a game....we're a professional ball club.
  18. I don't see how I'm wrong, and your comment did not help me see the light
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