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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. Thats just what I heard. Even if he's not leaving, he's old too
  2. right, I didn't say trade him this year. But if he puts up 60 homers and 100 rbi's this year, his contract will look awful good to some teams and maybe we can get a few great youngins for him in the off season A.J. is leaving, Konerko is getting old. We gotta get some young bucks for the future and we have to do it soon
  3. well, I know a lot more about the NBA than I do about baseball. I'm surprised people still want to keep Dunn though. He's just not a good hitter. a DH that can't hit. If he puts up good stats and we can sell high on him, why not do it? It's not like our championship window is so wide any way. At some point we're gonna have to rebuild.
  4. what you swinging at A.J.? This isnt golf.
  5. oh please can we trade him...Him being "on pace" for however many home runs and RBI's may be a blessing in disguise, help get his contract off the books.
  6. Yeah...its just that a 3-0 deficit seems bigger when the offense is struggling this badly. and another dunn strike out
  7. whens the last time he hit a homer? seems like forever
  8. I'm about to tune out of this game. Got better things to do than watch the White Sox infuriate me with their suckiness
  9. Well, I don't think we've hit it out of the infield yet
  10. Way to go Gordie. Jesus, theyre hitting everything into the gaps. And we are hitting everything right at infielders
  11. Brilliant. Playing like a bunch of clowns on offense and defense
  12. The way our offense has been lately, a 1 run deficit may be too much to over come :/
  13. I'm predicting that the offense explodes today and the White Sox go on to win at least 70% of their next 4 series'.
  14. But they could have waited a few days, or did it a few days ago. No, they had to do it right NOW. Just to squash our media limelight.
  15. Stupid Cubs bringing up Rizzo probably just to kill what little media attention the Sox have received by trading for Youk. How very Cub-like of them :/
  16. Now we have two goatee'd macho men in our roster. Our manliness level has risen exponentially.
  17. What happened to Frasor, too? I haven't seen him in a while. Did he get sent down too?
  18. Our lineup is so beast on paper. Some guys just have to wake up.
  19. I don't think I can type out Quatzoacatl each time...can I just call him Q-money or something?
  20. Thats quite a story. I think I like him more now knowing he's a Jew and not a Greek.
  21. Youkilis is Jewish? A Greek Jew? Is that possible?
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