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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. Kaplan doesn't know much about any sports besides Nascar, I don't think. His commentary on the NBA and NFL is remedial at best, too.
  2. same. he got hit by a pitch today too on his wrist, i heard.
  3. Of course nobody is carrying the presser. Watching the Cubs lose again is more important :/
  4. Quintana playing so well is sooo good for us right now, so clutch. I love his composure on the mound.
  5. Brent could have gotten a hit. Nobody saw Eduardo get a walk off game winning hit there and if you say you did, you're a dirty rotten liar.
  6. Bye bye lilibridge You made some great plays in the OF for us
  7. Aww damn, I liked LilliBEAST. Rather it would have been Escobar.
  8. Stewart for Youk is something I'd be real happy with
  9. The way this game is going, we're scheduled to win it 1-0 in inning 17
  10. Escobar & Stewart, two young guys for an old guy? Is this smart longterm thinking...?
  11. strand 2 last time, strand all 3 this time. Good job, good effort
  12. oh god please dont strand two for the second straight time.
  13. There's the old A.J. we love. Great AB.
  14. We've gotten so many chances in this game. We HAVE to win.
  15. Not even close. Here come the boo's...
  16. If we don't knock at least 1 run in here...it'll be very bad
  17. YES DE AZA! Im'a buy a De Aza jersey and a Quintana jersey
  18. Careful dude, don't bunt with your face. Use the bat.
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