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He'll Grab Some Bench
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Everything posted by RZZZA

  1. last year and early this year I just counted Gordon as an automatic out. He's done a good job making his bat more respectable
  2. Can we trade Dunn after this year?
  3. Come on Dunn! Try not to be a useless sack of s*** in this AB.
  4. Yeah... it pays to pay attention before commenting
  5. He got so lucky there. Ohman is not very good.
  6. Pitching gonna blow this game for us when the offense is clicking. Typical.
  7. Hudson can't hit but for some reason he's been good at getting clutch hits for us
  8. Come on Hudson, get a hit. Be somebody.
  9. he's actually hit it hard a few times and got robbed once
  10. We better win this damn game and the next game or this team is in serious trouble
  11. Yay, Will Ohman. What a pile of crap.
  12. That was a nice pitch. Get him next time Lilli
  13. noooo...double play. how I hate you.
  14. hahaha, yes! finally some good luck
  15. but A.J. could have hit a double, a triple or a home run. He's a great hitter...
  16. Meh, I understand if its lillibridge or hudson are bunting. But I trust a guy with a high batting average like A.J. to swing the bat and make contact.
  17. Why bunt? AJ is one of our best hitters, we need him to hit. I hate bunting.
  18. Dylan did okay there didn't he? Maybe threw low a few too many times in a row. I would have tried to get him to chase something high at 2-2 there...
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