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soxfan49 last won the day on August 7 2021

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About soxfan49

  • Birthday 04/14/1992

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  1. The start, because the end means baseball is closer, if you consider this organization is capable of playing baseball
  2. It's all so disappointing yet expected which is why, with all due respect, I do not give a flying f*** about Noah Schultz or David Keller or Brian Bannister. No matter how good those guys might be at their jobs, nothing is going to change with this organization for a looong time.
  3. I hope they win 4 straight and then lose the first two in Detroit so I can hear Benetti's final out call
  4. Aside from being terrible at baseball, is something the matter with Nicky Lopez?
  5. Schriffen is impressed that Stone knows who the first base ump's dad is John, his dad was also a major league ump also, you absolute bozo
  6. Hahn didn't get a pass. His finger prints are all over this travesty. He sucked ass at his job and got fired for it.
  7. Vargas has a tendency to swing at fastballs when the pitch is already in the catcher's glove
  8. The issue wasn't firing Renteria. It was hiring the hasbeen drunk shortly thereafter
  9. That's a group of kids, probably a team or charity organization, likely with their parents. They aren't Mets fans
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