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Everything posted by soxfan49

  1. He also thought Giolito sucked and then 3 weeks later he thought he was good and now he's all "I told you he was good!"
  2. Weird thing to post about a player during said player’s good stretch of baseball
  3. Stephens has really hit a wall lately, no?
  4. I agree. I like Lopez a ton, however, I can see why some fans believe he might end up in the bullpen for the reasons I stated. Hopefully they’re wrong.
  5. If he can’t figure out how to trust his change-up and slider and at the same time can’t figure out how to throw them more for strikes, he just might be destined for the ‘pen.
  6. That's kind of the whole point. This is why when this message board thinks "Moncada/Garcia/Palka/Anderson needs a few days off to clear his mind" it's idiotic.
  7. In 2021, it will be hilarious to recall the 2018 days when Juan fucking Minaya was the 8th inning guy for the White Sox.
  8. I was wishing the opposite. I wanted him to grow that shit out. Cover up the name on the jersey for all I care. He is a dream from a marketing stand point. Imagine that lettuce all over Chicago billboards.
  9. The pitcher warming up looks identical to Mike Trout if Trout gained 40 pounds
  10. They can mash but with this defense, and I just might end up being wrong in the end, they’re going to have a difficult time in October with teams like Boston and Houston, who are tough enough and will be even tougher when they have 4-5 outs for an inning or two a game rather than 3.
  11. Not sure I remember a faster Shields pitched inning in his Chicago tenure
  12. Love Narvaez’s bat, hate his glove. That was a poor effort.
  13. I think being hurt had a lot to do with not staying healthy. He's hurt right now in another city.
  14. Is it possible he doesn’t have OBP woes “when the Sox are good?”
  15. Someone said “he could be Alexei” and he said “he could be better.” He’s saying he could be better than a solid player. @JUSTgottaBELIEVE wasn’t being a downer, he was being anything but
  16. Moncada was the #1 prospect in baseball. Did Torres ever get there?
  17. I was f***ing harsh on Engel but he’s been remarkable. He deserves to begin 2019 as the starting CF’er. With his defense and speed, if he hits just .250 he’s valuable as hell.
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