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Mr. Showtime

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Everything posted by Mr. Showtime

  1. Excellent, I look forward to it.
  2. Mike's a nice guy but there's a reason he wasn't in the league last year.
  3. Marte and Samuri Warrior both went 2 innings last night, and you have Rauch going tomorrow, who even if he pitches lights out won't give you more than 6. Bullpen needs a major shot in the arm.
  4. I miss seeing you post, Cerb. I like you're style.
  5. DJ is ripping him a new one and good for DJ.
  6. There's no f***ing way thet ball Lee hit didn't go out. That had to have went over the fence, bounced off the back wall of the pen and went back onto the field. edit: I'm wrong... The ball isn't going anywhere to left, you have to rocket launcher to get it out.
  7. Well, they've said they we're told by the firm doing the work that it wouldn't have an effect. I'm not an expert, but lowering the roof has a big effect on the wind and how it helps or hurts the ball. Either way the staff needs to get it in gear.
  8. I think first and foremost the staff isn't as good as they performe early on. Secondly, as Jester and I have said the roof is playing a factor, lot of balls are sailing out that last year weren't. With that being said the pitchers still need to do a better job and try to keep the ball down in the zone.
  9. And we have Rauch going tomorrow, we need a big start from him.
  10. Ding. I'm not going to blame the Sox when they we're told it would have no effect. Nothing can be done about it now.
  11. What the hell is in the air tonight? Lot of lazy fly ball homers.
  12. We're gonna see all the Rowand is god posts soon..
  13. heh, yeah, I asked who as reporting this, then I went to espn.com and *BAM* there it was.
  14. EDIT: I see espn.com is reporting this.
  15. Derek Lowe started the game for Boston, 7 K's so far for him. Twin bullpen isn't that great lets see what happens.
  16. No chance in hell. Had they not signed Rocket or Andy, I could see a fire sale. However, since both gave discounts, Astros owner Drayton McClain is in a win at all costs mood.
  17. I could see that, but if it nets them what they want, it's not a big factor.
  18. Since it's on MLB.com I gotta assume this isn't some bogus nonsense. 3 way involving Oakland
  19. I can go to bed! Do you're thing Jose.
  20. Those "It's about us" shirts kick ass, I just saw one.
  21. Well, they can only use 2/3's of the cap room this season.
  22. Either they don't want to expose Borchard to the majors again in fear that he blows and his value goes in the crapper. Or, they just want him to play everyday.
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