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Mr. Showtime

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Everything posted by Mr. Showtime

  1. Thanks Alex. Yeah, Vince I got home and watched the post game show thinking I would've been at this game had boss given me the day off as I wanted.
  2. Little birthday update, work indeed did suck ass as I figured it would. However, I did get a portable DVD player, so oh yeah!
  3. Good article on the crazy Wrigley area. Southtown
  4. Thanks. I'll be spending it working from 12-9:00PM. Yay! :puke
  5. Walker corrected a flaw in his swing, throw in the fact he's got a lot of latin players here as well. He's swinging great and he's feelng good in the clubhouse.
  6. How long till Wright lands on the DL? I'll say by May 30th.
  7. Here is a link: http://phong.com/tutorials/scan/
  8. They are called scanlines. It's not a filter, just something you make. I think I have a tutorial linked on my computer let me look...
  9. A few senators even sent letters to Selig telling him this wasn't the best idea. Considering the feds are all over the BALCO thing, it's most likely in Selig's best interest to listen to them.
  10. Right. A number one starter is a guy whom is the best pitcher on you're staff. An "ace" is a guy whom 8 times out of 10, you score 2-3 runs for and the game is over.
  11. Anytime you bring Koch into a save situation, you better have 2 guys in the pen ready. :puke
  12. Makes to much money to be released.
  13. What's wrong with Vegas? Drinking, Casino's, Adult Services , baseball.
  14. In the game thread Jason and few others we're talking about the possibility of the A's putting one of their starters on the block. Here is each guys contract info.
  15. I don't know what Mulder's contract situation is. I'm just going by what Gammons was saying..
  16. Gammons was saying he thinks Zito gets put on the block and ofcourse he guessed Boston to be a spot he ends up. Zito would cost a lot, but the White Sox have the talent to make it happen.
  17. With the Bucs and Benson, never count out the Yankees or Boston, they'll add someone. I think Konerko if anyone would be moved, Williams has always liked Lee. And the Konerko to LA thing isn't going to happen. Garcia is the best option.
  18. They'll only be taking on half the salary come the deadline. Plus they could always up the prospect that they give up in exchange for the team paying more of the contract.
  19. The M's and Pirates don't want high priced players, they want cheap guys. You better than anyone knows how McCourt operates, you think he'll want 8 million dollars in Konerko or Lee?
  20. I think Garica could come cheap, Seattle wouldn't want Lee or Konerko due to what they'll make.
  21. Koch is real itchy bad. However, you've gotta let him blow 2 a few in a row before you yank him from the roll. Closers are going to blow games from time to time, just human nature. Gagne is some sorta freak.
  22. My thoughts exactly, with her on the program there is no need for my audio to be up. Madden hasn't had a thought in years, and Michaels is an asshole. Tafoya must be in bed with the right person at ABC/ESPN. She is on every day broadcast no matter what sport.
  23. What he meant was, when he's not leading off an inning, he has time to take batting practice in the cages. Or he can watch video...etc When he leads off an inning, he has to hurry and get his gear off, and all he can do is take some rips on the on deck circle.
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