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Mr. Showtime

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Everything posted by Mr. Showtime

  1. Timo has already done more for the Sox than Matt Ginter.
  2. Perhaps my tv blows, but it looks real f***ing dark in NY. Has to be tough to hit.
  3. I feel like I'm watching a Dodgers game. :puke
  4. I don't recall him saying for sure that would happen. He may have said during certain matchups that would be the case. You can bet he'll get asked about Jose hitting in the two hole after today's game.
  5. I think Jose needs to sit down and work with Walker for a couple of days. Let Uribe play SS.
  6. I watched the game on my TVIO, I watched the whole game in less than an hour. Just held the fast advance button, made watching Botch a lot easier.
  7. No clue. Maybe that's when they turn the air on so the wind is blowing out?
  8. I have no problem with Wright as closer, but then you have a 6 million dollar bad 7th or 8th inning pitcher in Botch.
  9. I have a feeling Tracy is going to be canned by the end of the season.
  10. I hate Jones, what a dick. Tosses the bat like he f***ing Bonds hitting number 600.
  11. Jones with a 2-Run shot in the Bottom of the 9th and we're tied at 6.
  12. Indians are gonna hang around this year with the big 3. I like what they have going on. Twins bullpen is brutal. 6-4 Tribe now Top 7.
  13. 5.1 innings 11 hits 6 runs all earned 2 walks 3 K's
  14. As I said on the other board, the injury didn't look serious at all. He was running towards home, and had to stop and retreat back to 3rd. Didn't appear to have a look of pain on his face.
  15. I'm watching every game I can get my eyes on. Brewers are winning by 4, just hammering the Cards pen. Yanks blew a 4-0 lead, now losing by 4. Tigers, unreal. 2-0 Mauer got hurt in the Twins game as well, but it did not look serious at all.
  16. Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for their kind words.
  17. I wasn't sure how to do it, I tried to come up with something creative, but I failed again. Hopefully May will be better.
  18. I start work at 3:30. So I'll TIVO both the Cubs and Sox games, so that way I can see the conclusion of both games.
  19. I watched it, not bad. The Cubs thing was worse though, they needed 5 outs in game 6. They atleast had a game 7 to look forward to.
  20. haha. I was gonna ask about the Yanks. It's tough to say because Prior is out, Pedro can't throw above 90MPH right now either.
  21. Tony Pena does this to. I was reading an article in the Trib, and he was calling people "kid" and saying how he loved him. Very odd.
  22. I got up at 3:59 and watched the game, then went to work right after it ended. I've been up since then, yay!
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