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Mr. Showtime

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Everything posted by Mr. Showtime

  1. Good to see Gload hitting, it'll be up to Ozzie to find him some AB's so he doesn't rot on the bench like Liefer and Dauber did.
  2. Not a good start for Scott. Hopefully Joe didn't hurt himself to badly.
  3. Maggs hurt his ankle a tad playing winter ball. Considering he played winter ball he's ahead of most of the other players anyway.
  4. Yes. If you to whitesox.com they have the tv/broadcast schedule posted.
  5. I guess some guys don't want the fun spoiled...
  6. The refs have sucked ass tonight. I wish Dore would get upset and say the fouls are BS, like Hawk would do.
  7. I didn't see it on any of the local channels, but that was what the we're gonna announce.
  8. I love how all the big free agents in the NFL sign on the first day they can. With MLB it's a 6 month deal. Jesus.
  9. I'm just doing a series, I'll have Rocket and Andy next.
  10. I think he's talking about this: Sop
  11. Usually the photos are from media day during ST. So new ones should be up soon.
  12. It takes a minute or so to load up, but check out the link below and watch the video. The video has a ton of Red Sox-Cub highlights, but it's still kick ass. MVP
  13. I thought this was going to be about the new Tiger Woods ad. Hmm. EDIT: D'oh! It's an American Express ad with Tiger.
  14. Mr. Showtime

    Woman Dies while

    On the news this morning, they we're talking to people who we're crying after coming out of the movie. I'm sure the movie is hard to sit through for some really religious people, but some of the people they talked to sounded like they expected something else to happen. Like Jesus would slay everyone with light-saber. Ok, enough out of me.
  15. Good call. With all the media in Mesa reporting on Sosa coming in, Frank snuck in the back door.
  16. It means she couldn't decide what content was on her show.
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