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Mr. Showtime

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Everything posted by Mr. Showtime

  1. Julie resigned due to content trouble with her show. Here is what Robert Feder said:
  2. You said "Wouldnt be a bad game to attend". Thus, no, it wouldn't be a bad game to attend.
  3. Let the record show this is WFLD channel 32, FOX. Not FOXSportsNet.
  4. I myself enjoy these types of articles. It is what it is though.
  5. Good article from the SouthTown, featuring Sox players talking about the Cubs. South
  6. Nobody mentioned George Carlin yet? Shocking.
  7. haha that's funny. No way they'll sign him.
  8. Interesting take. I agree though. On the other hand you gotta always ask yourself, how much better would the game have been, had the negro league players been allowed in.
  9. Interesting, that's something Heads or Jason would have to do ofcourse.
  10. I know what I want to do, but I'll just toss it out to the peeps. After looking through some of the ST photos, I'm thinking... Buehrle, Loazia, and my guy Takatsu.
  11. Fun with words, I love this game. Good call, Brando.
  12. McCourt tryed to redo my deal without my agent. Cheap bastard!
  13. LA is sweet. Bright lights, big city, pretty ladies. My kinda town.
  14. Eat it, Henry. I loved the response from the Boss, right on the money.
  15. BLAH~! Trade someone I don't care who to LA so we can end the friggin rumors already. My god.
  16. I'd like to see it the move for my crazy imagination than anything. I don't care if he's on the Cubs or not, but just seeing him in NY, with the rest of the group George put together would be mind blowing.
  17. I disagree with alomst everything said in this thread. I hope he signs with the Yankees.
  18. Sweet, I hope this is really Dan and not some scammer with the same name. Nice to see you aboard Get up. Looking forward to seeing you at the park again this summer.
  19. The 6th is a Sunday, and those games are subject to change. So if the Sox are sucking lumber, they won't be on ESPN.
  20. Not deleted, just moved to another board. Jason locked it though because of some interaction between posters.
  21. Actually they sent Johnson to the Expos to get Vasquez.
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