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Mr. Showtime

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Everything posted by Mr. Showtime

  1. This seems like a trade proposal from Rogers, more than an actual rumor floating around.
  2. I think McCourt is blowing some serious smoke, and he's gonna dump payroll. What do you think of that?
  3. I happened to enjoy Otis myself, but here is what he had to say:
  4. No, wrong wrestling organization. Chyna dated WWE star HHH for a long time. She was last linked with X-Pac. Anywho, Dale is a good guy.
  5. Hey, where'd you get that Honel picture Aboz? I'm always looking for images for FutureSox, and never find anything good.
  6. A source in the Red Sox organization.
  7. When it comes to the White Sox (to steal a quote from Barry Rozner) everyone undermines everyone until they need someone on their side to help undermine someone else. This whole outfit stinks.
  8. This is pretty f***ed up right here. Angelo was looking to get rid of the coach, he's the GM. Backman was below Manuel, looking to get his job. Two totally different situations. I'm not gonna get into a pissing contest over the friggin Bears though. I think half of that list is nonsense, but it doesn't matter. Jauron is gone and everyone is happy.
  9. Here is what I enjoy.. The previous coaching staff couldn't the talented players ON THEIR OWN TEAM. So why should have Angelo trusted their decison making on Delhomme? I don't care for Angelo much myself, but Jaruon couldn't find Urlacher, took him half the season to locate Wade and Gage, stayed with White, couldn't find Azumah on special teams.. I'm sorry, I wouldn't have trusted that staff if they told me a Burger King was being built next door.
  10. No. Bernie is going to be teh DH for the Yankees this season. With Giambi at 1st. The Yanks signed Kenny Lofton to be their CF.
  11. heh, I remember hearing when he was the Marlins that he had to chase Alfonseca around the locker room to get him to work out. Dale is a good guy. I've heard Razor Shines is an asshole though, let us know Bullard.
  12. I don't wanna get peoples hopes up here, I didn't make any HUGE changes. I just moved some text around, and added some zeroes.
  13. CW, I actually finished the new version about an hour or so ago. I sent it to Alex, but he can't upload it now due to some tech problem. I emailed it to Jason, who told me earlier that he's checks his email "every now and then", so whenever he gets around to reading it is when it will be up. I think folks will like the changes I made.
  14. heh, I love the scene in Major League 2 where Lou Brown from his hospital bed says, "I love this s***, I'm gonna move to England". That's how I feel right now. Well, not England. Japan
  15. Aboz: I didn't think of doing anything with Buehrle, but he'll be on a lot of banners when the season gets rolling. CW: I just finished making a new banner since I had to take out the Sox logo, it should be up either later tonight or sometime tomorrow.
  16. I'm tinkering with the banner now, due to some second thoughts about the Sox logo from Jason. I figure this might be the only Sox news we get till the season, so I had to do it.
  17. Whitesox.com claims he won't be the closer right away: That was the teaser for the full story, which you can read here
  18. See, like I said just Shea and his agent trying to get more cash.
  19. Rumor has it that he's talking to Boston.
  20. Fans are f***ing stupid, I swear. Listen, 2 weeks ago nobody knew who the hell Shea was. Now all of the sudden the Bears have to bend over backwards to sign him. This whole thing is just Shea and his agent looking for more money. They knew all they have to say is that they've been "low-balled" and the fans believe it and get pissed at the Bears. The perception is that the Bears are cheap. So they say we got a s*** offer, and everyone goes nuts. Shea will be here, everyone pull you're pants up and take a breath.
  21. Meh, whatever. I'm, not gonna argue. I'll wait till the work stoppage and 1/2 the teams just vanish. Then we'll get back to old time hockey.
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