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Mr. Showtime

Admin Emeritus
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Everything posted by Mr. Showtime

  1. he means the blue squares under where it says "the fiesty one".
  2. 82. I demand a new test, my god that sucks. I'm only 19 and if I live to be 25 it's to long.
  3. It's days like today that make you wanna tie a boulder to your foot.
  4. Spiff didn't "get out", just I'm assisting him this season. Anywho, most of the people will just give up in a few weeks. To lazy.
  5. CLR's picks are up. 24 players have their picks posted.
  6. It's early and I'm tired. El Barto YASNY BMR Mathew bones r ^All those picks are up. http://www.soxfansnflpix.com/
  7. Haven't seen Rex around, unless I've missed his posts. What's going on with the Barons? They just waiting around till the playoffs start?
  8. Mr. Showtime


    I know, I guess I don't mean much to her Gash!
  9. How can someone who just claimed to ALWAYS BE GOOD have sins?
  10. Mr. Showtime


    Come cheer me up then.
  11. Mr. Showtime


    that makes me sad.
  12. Nah, I double check the posts on the picks page with the ones posted here. I just bring up another window and put em side by side. I'm just saying to double check, I don't wanna hear any b****ing later.
  13. Mr. Showtime


    Are you good all the time? Or can you be bad?
  14. Hey Viva, good to see ya here. Chance to gain ground the next few days. Kansas City can't touch Randy, and Joe Mays has been awful.
  15. It seems like it. Whenever I get done posting someone's picks, I've got 2-3 more waiting here to be put up!
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