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Mr. Showtime

Admin Emeritus
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Everything posted by Mr. Showtime

  1. Yes. 1) Crede's Crew 2) Douche bag Rick, and his love for KC.
  2. The name you had was Soxheads. People called you Heads because it was easier to type. That would be like me changing my name to "Show" or "Ian" since that is what I'm known as.
  3. Mr. Showtime


    I'm so disgusted with Soxheads it's not even funny. That's a good idea CW.
  4. Mr. Showtime


    Hey there, the artist otherwise known as Soxheads, why don't you change your name back? Heads is lame.
  5. Exactly. I'm against Olderman.
  6. haha. Yeah, everyone wants to park by all 3 port-o-potty's. We'll be riding up in mah 2003 Dodge Neon SXT, so you won't miss us~!
  7. haha. Yeah, I have a source who tells me Jerry gets 50% off all the rolled back prices at Wal-Mart. Considering the owner of KC is a big shooter with Wal-Mart and all.
  8. oh s***, does that mean I have to make another graphic?
  9. Do me a favor, and I swear, I am 100% serious, make a list of people you hate. I'd like to see it.
  10. heh. I had talked about going on Saturday, but never really had it set in stone. That's all that I meant.
  11. Nobody tells me anything, Steff. I didn't even know I was going. Maury told me a few hours ago we have better get tickets before they sell out. Michelle is going to call me when she gets back from Vegas. For sure I'm going with her on Friday.
  12. Sweet!!! I'll be hanging with Maury, and Michelle. You can't miss Maury.
  13. ...power hungry Mod.... I just don't wanna be called a "jerkoff" or a "jagoff" by Roman. You gonna make you're way to the game Saturday Critic? Maury was talking about going...
  14. Well, I got 5 emails about the post in question from you. Or should I say, 5 reports, so it went through.
  15. MOD EDIT:Let the record show that I changed Steff's first post from Lot "F" to Lot "E". This is all.
  16. I always recieved these report a post things in my email account. So let the record show...
  17. I figured you would say "Maury wouldn't fit on those cards"
  18. Was this vision before or after you learned how to drink for free?
  19. Didn't you say somewhere today, that you don't want them to make the playoffs, so that they can rebuild? Maybe I'm thinking of another poster, but I'm pretty sure it was you.
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