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Mr. Showtime

Admin Emeritus
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Everything posted by Mr. Showtime

  1. And your point is what exactly? That Brian shouldn't have been signed? That the Sox needed another year of Jeff Liefer?
  2. Anything can happen when you get to the playoffs.
  3. The only time we see Rick White is in blowouts, or games like tonight, where your big bullpen horses couldn't go. So just take it.
  4. heh, the voice of reason.
  5. I see there was a book with that title, but no movie.
  6. Never heard of it. I'll have to look it up.
  7. Did he say something? I don't have the sound on.
  8. No, I don't remember there being a sequel to Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. I'd love to see it if there ever was. Well, the Wonka character isn't supposed to be funny, but at the sametime I hope they don't make him creepy or something.
  9. WTF? The time to make the sequel was f***ing 20 years ago when it came out. I'm a big mark for that movie, this better be good.
  10. Mr. Showtime


    What was the Willy Wonka information you we're telling the guys on SNR?
  11. Hey~! That's my car. :finger Well, I have the 2003 version.
  12. I don't know either, that's why I commented.
  13. I could've swore this thread was to be updated by Murcie, but now I see Heads is doing it.
  14. I don't think so, I'll prob make a new one on Sunday or so.
  15. Well, the graphic is just for Frank and 400. Jason told me what he wanted and I made it.
  16. Sorta flying by the seat of your pants eh?
  17. Send me exactly what size you need.
  18. Yeah, now that you mention it that does look to be the case. I mean the top of his batting helmet is cut off like that by design.
  19. I rule! Everyone tell me how much so. Finished the FutureSox one to Jason.
  20. OH BABY that was a f***ing bomb. Time to put mah new header up!!!
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