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Mr. Showtime

Admin Emeritus
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Everything posted by Mr. Showtime

  1. How many admin's do we need? Sheesh! If you get to be a mod than Spiff should be.
  2. Like I said the other day, he's the only pitcher on the team with the right to go up to the offense and kick them all in the sack.
  3. Just to end this right now, that IS NOT WHAT HE SAID. Doug Padilla is f***ing moron. They played the audio of it on the Score this morning. So Doug can bite me. Tired of this s***.
  4. D'oh! I didn't see that it still lists a rank even though you're an admin. My bad.
  5. But she has to wear her black tank top.
  6. You should be in AA Heads, none of this "admin" garbage.
  7. Mr. Showtime


    Right, but most of these parents are the same one who starts fights with the coach of the little league team because his kid didn't play. Get over yourself, you're not some kind of f***ing hero dad. :finger
  8. Mr. Showtime


    I'm the opposite, I'm hate it when I look outside and see kids. Maybe that's because they'll make fun of me? I could always run them down in my car though.
  9. Mr. Showtime


    Oh jesus, you sound like an old man. "Back in my day..." Didn't have any buddies growing up, so it was video games for me. No, it's because people eat all the f***ing time. I don't play any sports or do any other activities that require much effort, and I'm skinny. haha. I love how the thread went from video games, to Jason ranting on the children of america. As far as smoking goes, people smoke because they want to, not because the marbolo man makes it look cool.
  10. Mr. Showtime


    No s***. I payed $299 for PS1 and $350 or something of the kind for PS2. Good thing I didn't buy X-BOX.
  11. Mr. Showtime


    Ugh. You know, these games get so boring it's not even funny. The whole concept of these no rules type football games, came from people wanting to do late hits in a game like Madden. That was fun because it wasn't part of the actual game. So when you we're actually able to hit someone after a play it meant something. Oh, I can hit someone after every play, big deal.
  12. Mr. Showtime


    this is beyond a shadow of a doubt the best thing I've ever seen online.
  13. Mr. Showtime


    oh my god. I have to go stab myself, never post anything like this again.
  14. Worry about what might I ask? They're not catching anyone. Might as well 'worry' about who we're gonna get when they start unloading these assholes.
  15. 4-2 Tigers. 8th. Sox are awful, all that needs to be said.
  16. Yeah, I watch GDL with the mute button on.
  17. Mr. Showtime


    Hey, how about a little, you know kudos on the graphic?
  18. What's wrong with this lineup? Nothing.
  19. Meh, Sox are mostly all talk and no action.
  20. Yeah, WGN has to show us more of 7th Heaven and the honeymooners.
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