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Mr. Showtime

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Everything posted by Mr. Showtime

  1. I hate clowns with a passion, but couldn't explain why.
  2. I pretty much assumed that for you to like any band, they can't be the sharpest knife in the drawer.
  3. I wasn't even going by stats at all. Daubach has been hitting the ball and Konerko hasn't. Seemed like a simple conclusion to come to.
  4. 7-5 Royals over Minnesota Bottom 6.
  5. You never know with the clowns running baseball.
  6. If E-Lo doesn't start the ASG.....I'll be sad.
  7. I know I may have been stating what everyone already knows, but that's what I'm known for.
  8. I figured it was some music related thing, I'm known for picking up on things like that here in my country. The more you know... The sig doesn't seem to give off a screaming loud group. Hmm.
  9. Time for Daubach to be the starting DH. Konerko plays only vs. lefties.
  10. If he was the home plate ump last night, he's working tonight's game to. I think he's at 3rd this evening.
  11. What? Maybe Jose went home because the 3rd base coach told him to. Then again I don't watch much baseball.
  12. I must not get out much. Cali, I have no clue what you're avatar or sig mean. Rock on though.
  13. I used to love reading the comic strip, and watching the tv show called "Dr. Katz".
  14. Mr. Showtime


    No clue. That's why I moved it to off-topic.
  15. Maybe when this team can develop a real center fielder, we won't need 4 knock-offs on the roster.
  16. Might have just been an error. I know I haven't made anything new, I might throw something together later though.
  17. Looks like it's about to be back to 2 or maybe 3 with the way Marte is pitching. I don't like that lineup coming up in the 9th either. Jose, PK, Crede. Ugh.
  18. If what he's told me is any indication, Spiff will be sleeping in a parking lot.
  19. Mr. Showtime


    December is the name of the song
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