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Mr. Showtime

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Everything posted by Mr. Showtime

  1. I'm not that stupid Michelle. If Rex says Dorn is coming up I know it to be true. Don't get me started on that whole "left the bats in B-Ham story" he gave us earlier this year. :finger
  2. s***, thanks for the heads up Rex. I'll be sure to have my "Dorn Sucks" posts ready.
  3. Mr. Showtime


    I forgot he was gone. Oh well, atleast mah June wallpaper owns.
  4. I don't see it yet Jason. Option should be right under the section where you type you're message.
  5. Yeah, we have to talk about that. Like where is my futuresox graphic? Get me the access and I'll get a lot of work done. Thank You.
  6. He's a real asshole, so I could see him doing this.
  7. That should get them showing the "fire" once again.
  8. It's possible since Jerry lives in the area that he decided to can him. Reinsdorf likes to keep things very quiet, so it wouldn't shock me if they hadn't told Backman yet. I'd love to see it, but I'm not getting my hopes up.
  9. Rex could comment more than me since he sees a lot of game. Backman is a guy with a lot of fire, and plays little ball well. I've heard a lot of crazy stories..
  10. Rex, you live in the area, if you haven't heard it, then it's not true. Score is full of it more often than not.
  11. I'm dying here! The title of that article and Heather's sex status = LOL.
  12. What Family Guy DVD is this one? I've got the first two seasons. Is this the next two?
  13. Yep, you're not a graphics wizard. Just a mirror image of Crede. Does look odd though.
  14. She's on the case as we speak.
  15. I can SO see you doing that.
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