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Mr. Showtime

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Everything posted by Mr. Showtime

  1. That's nice CW, but, it mean more if it came from HSC or Steff.
  2. Mind in the gutter again eh, Steff? I was just pointing out that Jason could also ask me rather than Heads.
  3. Nope you didn't. I guess I was expecting you to back up my claims that I'm a real looker. Oh well, tomorrow is another day.
  4. Ah, see I don't pay any attention to the numbers next the name. D'oh!
  5. What shows, is that this team is awful no matter who hits where.
  6. Except that Maury kept yelling out "overrated" when he dived and missed a ball Saturday night.
  7. That would lead to many questions from mah parents. Well, one of them to be honest, total psycho. I'll let you know one way or thr other if I can go later tonight, I'll post it here. Have to make sure it's cool, for some reason, my parents are of the belief that it would get in the way of my work. Like I'd over sleep or some crazy s***.
  8. Actually, I didn't know Zach had an issue with his dogs. When are you leaving for time outs or whatever it's called?
  9. That's for sure. Hey, I've gotten nothing but good feedback on it. Don't be hating.
  10. It's hurts my ego to have Steff put the badmouth on me here. Doesn't look like it, I'm working till 5 on Friday, then I have to be at work Saturday morning at 8. So I'd have to be home before midnight.
  11. I don't know. I was just posting the truth about my good looks and I get this!!!!
  12. I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not... I see how it is.
  13. Also went through some archives and found this:
  14. The whole thing was confusing. All we need to understand is that he'll be here. I'll post a few things I found of it...
  15. You're correct sir. However Reinsdorf likes Thomas, and I don't see many suitors for Thomas, so he'll be here.
  16. Alright, I'll read it Friday and blast it then.
  17. All depends on how the options go.
  18. Well hurry the hell up and post you're article. Geez.
  19. Changes continue Read the full article, the home run porch idea gets blasted towards the end.
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