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Mr. Showtime

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Everything posted by Mr. Showtime

  1. Looked to me like he was saying :fyou
  2. Source: GM Williams says skipper gone if Sox don't make playoffs I'll post certain parts of the article:
  3. That was a good one. Keep it up, Critic!
  4. Didn't read it. The other one was good though.
  5. White sucks the big one, he's got to go. Gordon is to streaky, so I would ditch him to. I wish they could deal Konerko for some bullpen help.
  6. Phil Rogers in the Trib, new article that will be in Tuesday's paper. Rogers Whole gist of it is that Manuel should go with one of the above mentioned taking over. Also calls for Miles to come up and the trade of either Konerko or Thomas.
  7. And it's only May 19th, plenty more suckage to come.
  8. The papers and release had either quotes from Kenny, or something that said that he confirmed that Ward was canned. Anyway, what's the latest on Kenny, Michelle?
  9. Giles has no trade clause to the Sox. Lots of players seem to, not exactly the best situation to come into. Pirates are the s*** though, I'd trade Konerko to the Red Sox, not sure what they'd give back though.
  10. The only reason why Manuel got new first and third base coaches, was because the other guys we're spies for the control freak General Manager.
  11. Jesus H. Jason, I was just pointing out what you said was not correct. Wasn't saying Jose is the king of short stops.
  12. Jimenez has that Durham disease, where he falls alseep on defense for awhile and misses balls. Jose goes balls to the wall, but he rushes throws and thus gets his errors. We'll see how good Jimenez is next year at SS.
  13. Kick ass. Hope he can get Daubach going.
  14. Well, then you're math is bad to. I'm not going to tell you I'd rather have Jose over Miles, but what you said doesn't make sense. If Jose does not homer. The Sox have 0 runs. If Jose does not make his error, Minnesota has 2 runs. Then again I'm not that smart so who knows.
  15. I missed the show, f***ing Comcast knocked me offline. I was gonna call in a rant but I lost the number to the SNR studios.
  16. Yeah, way to jinx them!
  17. Maybe I will. Rick White sucks, that's why nobody go's to the games.
  18. I never got that "joke" when I was a kid and I find it lame now. When the f*** is Kenny gonna step down Michelle? What's the scoop?
  19. This is such a big series in my mind, he should start all 3 games.
  20. Nah, I'm more of a kick the covers off guy.
  21. PS: Jason, get that damn one quote per post thing working again.
  22. Leave it to Killa to come in and put the mouth on Dorn.
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