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Mr. Showtime

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Everything posted by Mr. Showtime

  1. QUOTE(Brian @ Dec 16, 2007 -> 08:56 PM) Wrestling back in the day was more ring psychology than risks and athleticism. There is no realism to it anymore. I sorta can see that, it ties into my theory. To me the issue with crowds is they don't care about the wrestlers, outside of the top guys, and they don't have a major emotional attachment in whether or not the guys win or they lose. Someone find on youtube or the Flair DVD when Ric, Arn, and Ole, broke Dusty's ankle in like 1985, watch that angle and the crowd. Dusty came in to the cage to assist Flair from getting a 2 on 1 beatdown at the hands of the Russians. Flair and the horseman turn on Dusty and I'm telling you LITERALLY, the fans moved the guard rail to the cage itself and we're shaking the cage. Unreal heat. I think the lack of crowd energy like that goes back to just the over exposure of guys.
  2. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Dec 16, 2007 -> 09:42 PM) Edge becomes World Heavyweight Champ of SD with the assistance of an Edge impersonator. What? Did they pull a Kurt/Eric Angle deal?
  3. QUOTE(CWSGuy406 @ Dec 16, 2007 -> 09:28 PM) I don't know what the Hawks have done, but the horseshoe is so far away from that team right now it isn't even funny. They had the 40+ shots plus another five or so that were deflected wide. They completely outplayed Florida for the first two periods. Florida had two scoring chances and, sure enough, scored on both. The third period was just frustration with Florida trapping like crazy and every Hawk player trying to do a bit too much -- at that point I don't really blame them, though, as they had 30+ shots heading into the third. This sucks hard right now. They haven't played terribly over this past stretch of games yet are still losing and are falling back in the West. In your honor I sang aloud "We're not gonna take it" after the Florida goals from the comfort of my home tonight.. I was listening on the radio Keith, and I think I read in this very thread earlier that you we're there... Did the PP look as bad as it sounded? I read in one of the papers this morning, that it sounds like Williams is gonna get back to practice later this week. Would really be a boost to get him back in there. We seem to be saying this after a lot of games as of late, but we really need our goaltenders to throw a shutout big time. Yeah, they are sliding back down the standings during a portion of their schedule that they should be taking advantage of.
  4. QUOTE(The Critic @ Dec 16, 2007 -> 08:24 PM) The funny thing for me about seeing the old AWA again on the DVD doc Vince released was that it kind of killed the romance for me in a way, because the matches are SO slow and really kind of dull.....kind of like an Orton match these days.....(just wanted to set the Ortonites on fire there.... ) It was great to see the guys I watched growing up, and I still really enjoyed the Bockwinkel & Heenan promos, but the wrestling itself was a letdown for me. Yeah, during that time period the matches we're slower paced, and look at how those guys walk today. How do you think some of today's wrestlers will be in 20 years? The thing that always made the 80's great to me was the crowds. Watch any 80's show from mostly any promotion, and watch how the crowd goes ape **** for the smallest thing.
  5. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Dec 16, 2007 -> 03:52 PM) Flair/Funk I Quit is good. So is Savage/Steamboat from WM III. I also have a soft spot for the WWF Title Tourney from WM IV. However, I picked matches where I was able to see the build-up and payoff to which made me appreciate the payoff match that much more (i.e. the Whitmer/Jacobs cage war at SCoH 2) I could understand that. Need to get some older DVD's my friend. I love Mania 4, I know most folks hate it because it was so long and to some folks boring. But I love that era.
  6. I see we got some young wrestling fans by this top 10.
  7. QUOTE(The Critic @ Dec 16, 2007 -> 08:27 AM) So far Samsonov's only skill has been skating up and down the ice and not doing much of anything. Savvy needs to start treating him like a bug bite and scratching him repeatedly. It was a joke, in the opening montage at the UC when they flash the skill billboard he is on it.
  8. QUOTE(The Critic @ Dec 16, 2007 -> 08:29 AM) Oh, Christ, I'm as fat as I've ever been. My f***ed-up back won't allow me to do much of anything physical (another reason I wouldn't need condoms). I'm not quite Big Daddy V, but I'm definitely sporting a Mick Foley look right now. Mick Foley like? You have the sweatpants on and everything? Just be careful to not whore out your legacy like he did.
  9. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Dec 15, 2007 -> 11:08 PM) sigh. Got the old 'I don't know if I could be interested in any guy right now' line. Oh well, was worth a shot. I'm guilty of not reading the whole thread here, but is this with the girl that was texting you like crazy?
  10. QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Dec 15, 2007 -> 08:35 PM) 5/6 slide...arrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhh Very frustrating game this evening. PP was a big killer this evening, and again, our failure to clear our own end cost us. I hope Williams can get back soon to help out, but I won't hold my breath on that. I'd like to see Barker up here to help out. Pair him up with Sopel to keep his defensive issues to a minimum. Bulin was pretty good in my opinion tonight, but they need him to out duel these other goaltenders real soon. I know he has "skill", but Samsonov is killing me.
  11. QUOTE(The Critic @ Dec 15, 2007 -> 09:04 PM) Well, since your own conscience wrote the comeback for me.... I was going to say something about needing them for my rampant, incessant infidelity, but then I caught a glance of myself in the mirror and even I wouldn't believe that..... How dare you sir. To steal an old Adam Sandler bit, I'll put a ****ing condom on your ****ing tombstone! I haven't seen you in a few (years?), so I have no idea what sorta look you are sporting now. Are you well? To steal a wrestling term...
  12. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Dec 15, 2007 -> 09:01 PM) Is it too late to suggest a dick in a box? Ah yes, I see it is. Please read the thread before posting.
  13. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Dec 15, 2007 -> 05:59 PM) If you're trying perfume-type-things, Victoria's Secret has fairly large bottles of things that are mist sprays with the same scent as their perfumes but at a slightly lower concentration that can be purchased for right around $22. You actually get more volume in those than in the perfume bottles as well. Yeah, and you can...uh...ask the ladies there to assist you.
  14. QUOTE(The Critic @ Dec 15, 2007 -> 03:16 PM) But make sure you have enough left over for the condoms.... What would a married man like you know about condoms? (Don't even think of coming back with a response like...about as much as YOU~!)
  15. All I can say is that this will be EPIC~! The dumbest of the dumb asking questions and Kenny hopefully cursing and losing control.
  16. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Dec 12, 2007 -> 08:44 PM) We are like two peas in a pod Stop it right here!
  17. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Dec 12, 2007 -> 08:46 PM) The Hawks' stretch of futility and the home games not being on tv made it rather easy for me to keep my distance but this new era of Hawks hockey is pretty damn fun and it's going to be tough not to emotionally invest in this team. I could understand that. For me personally even during the crap years Foley always made the games worth listening to and exciting. Hopefully if you haven't you'll make your way to the UC this year.
  18. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Dec 12, 2007 -> 08:25 PM) I love watching hockey I just don't get into it like I do Football and Baseball to a lesser extent Basketball. Hawks games are just a fun distraction for me I'd much rather not get psychotic about the Hawks the way I do the Bears and especially the Sox. So I know about as much as I need to know but I'll probably never know as much as I possibly could. I'm just the opposite. If the Bears win, great, If the Bears lose, then I get to hear all the dopes on sports radio and it makes my day. When the Sox or Hawks are playing like crap, I'm throwing ****.
  19. I'm listening to this, and it sounds AWESOME~!~!~!~! Sounded like Buff laid out a guy big time. Hit of the season according to John.
  20. I'm late. Hope it went well.
  21. QUOTE(jenks45monster @ Dec 11, 2007 -> 10:28 PM) Fukudome to the Cubs really surprised me since, IMO, he is overpaid for someone who hasn't played 1 game in the MLB yet and since the Cubs really don't have to history with Japanese players for as long as I can remember. The Sox had signed Gooch and Shingo in recent years. That type of stuff doesn't matter when we're talking about this amount of money. Cubs came in with the most, and got him.
  22. QUOTE(fathom @ Dec 11, 2007 -> 10:25 PM) Haha, KW should be fired on the spot then. He should make the Dodgers take Contreras for Pierre. Oh god, if he traded Gio for Juan Pierre....we'd all share in one big laugh wouldn't we?
  23. QUOTE(fathom @ Dec 11, 2007 -> 10:11 PM) Here's what I was talking about earlier with a friend: I don't want to see the Sox sign Rowand/Cameron, or trade for Pierre/Crisp. If they can't trade for someone like Josh Hamilton, then just go ahead and play Owens/Anderson in CF. I agree 100%. It's one thing to be bad when playing younger guys, at least you can see what you have. It's quite another to be bad and have lots of dollars tied up in these guys who aren't performing up to par.
  24. QUOTE(fathom @ Dec 11, 2007 -> 10:03 PM) Rosenthal said Sox are still keying on Rowand, and might offer 4 years with an option. Don't like it, we saw this ride before. I know Owens isn't the answer to anything, but I'd rather just see him.
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