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Mr. Showtime

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Everything posted by Mr. Showtime

  1. Those don't work under Manuel, they had tons of them last year and still played like s***.
  2. Only 2.5 behind Boston for the Wild Card!
  3. I don't die or anything like that. I have the same reaction win or lose really. A game like today, I watched them go down 3-0, turned it off for an hour, went back saw they we're losing and put the NBA on. When this team gets down, they almost never comeback.
  4. In any other organization yeah, but you just never know with these clowns.
  5. I was trying to find a photo of Roger Dorn from Major League 2 to insert here but couldn't. So here's to ya Aaron :finger
  6. I don't know what to say. I had a bad feeling about this year, but I didn't think it would go south this quick.
  7. Well, atleast we'll be there live on Tuesday to watch them attempt and beat the A's.
  8. You don't have to choose one, I was just kinda listing options. This is why I don't post much, I get people confused.
  9. Maybe I took it to the EXTREME, but this team just looks like s*** right now. I just can't stand to watch this team right now. I was pumped when the year began, but watching these games is no fun.
  10. Still going to win the division, Jason?
  11. This team is going down in flames, something so has to happen. A: Can Manuel B: Fire Ward C: Rowand goes down - Harris or Borchard comes up
  12. Yep. Not much he can do, not like they'll just change their mind and call it a homer, just because Manuel yelled at them. Someone is going to say they lost this game, because Manuel didn't show enough fire. But at this point I'd like to see Backman up here.
  13. Yeah, that looked like a homer. Oh well.
  14. Ah, glad you explained that. I was thinking you had some insight on some moves with the ML roster.
  15. I've only heard the commentary for one show. But it does kick ass. OH~! I like them, to bad. I guess we only agree on Family Guy.
  16. True, but I was talking in terms of new episodes. Should've been more clearer. Cali, also got the new Godsmack cd. Are you against them to?
  17. Hell yeah, it's here! Pretty good, watching it pisses me off that it's not on anymore.
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