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Mr. Showtime

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Everything posted by Mr. Showtime

  1. Not surprising. The off-season fun rolls on!
  2. Didn't the Hawks, or was it in the Herald(?) already shoot that deal down?
  3. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Dec 9, 2007 -> 07:37 PM) Ha. Now come on what else would sunnies imply? Right now I have my $2 pair from the Kuala Lumpur Market that I have used for way too long, it's time to upgrade. I suppose in Chicago you don't see the sun much though, so you probably don't need them. I have no idea what it meant, that's why I asked. Lord only knows what crazy **** you have going on in that part of the world. I wear glasses, but I do have transition lenses, so when I go out in the sun they tint up.
  4. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Dec 9, 2007 -> 04:56 PM) I am basically bottom of the food chain where I work anyways. So I'll just keep my job thank you very much. Fine, be that way!
  5. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Dec 9, 2007 -> 11:29 AM) Jesus. DB, you need to write clearer for the slow people on here like myself.
  6. QUOTE(CrimsonWeltall @ Dec 9, 2007 -> 11:32 AM) He's 6-2 in the UFC and has faced pretty good competition (Bonnar, Tito, Jardine, Shogun). You can make a case that he won that Tito fight as well. Forrest has really rounded out his game as of late training with Randy in Vegas.
  7. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Dec 9, 2007 -> 09:46 AM) At which point, he will absolutely maul Griffin. I don't follow UFC too closely, more of a casual fan. But, it seems to me that Forrest Griffin is the Notre Dame of UFC. Hasn't he lost an awful lot, and he still continues to get these big pushes? I wouldn't say that, he lost to Jardine and then he cameback and beat Shogun Rua in his last fight which was a HUGE win for him. Forrest is a huge star, always has great fights, and is an extremely charismatic guy. In the UFC it's not always about won-loss records, it's about guys who can make you want to see a fight, and then deliver a good fight in the octagon.
  8. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Dec 9, 2007 -> 06:59 AM) A new suit, new sunnies, and a new satchel / laptop bag. What?
  9. QUOTE(DBAH0 @ Dec 8, 2007 -> 11:00 PM) I have mine next weekend. It's meant to be black tie (e.g tuxedo), but I don't think anyone from my department will be wearing that. And they've cut back from a fancy sitdown dinner at a major casino to a cocktail party at some place I've never heard of. "Gotta cut costs from somewhere!!!!" Would you rather they just cut you?
  10. Supposed to be an announcement from Dana tonight. Rumor is either a deal to air a show on network tv (CBS), or that Forrest and Rampage will be the coaches on the next Ultimate Fighther.
  11. QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Dec 8, 2007 -> 02:34 AM) They were dressed to hit the clubs after the game, which is fitting because they took off with 5 minutes left (after showing up late and not waiting for a whistle). I think my favorite part about them was the one guy constantly yelling "play some defense already" when we were penalty killing and they had control of the puck, which is generally how a power play works if the other team gets it set up. He wanted the nearest player to immediately rush the player with the puck in this situation. As we noted during the game, Lang couldn't keep the damn puck on his stick. He couldn't catch a pass to save his life, and there was one neutral zone turnover that led to a goal. Hopefully we'll have a better selection of people tomorrow night. I'll say this again for the record, TommyHawk did not wait for the whistle. If he's at the game for the kids, then he is setting a piss poor example on hockey etiquette.
  12. QUOTE(The Critic @ Dec 7, 2007 -> 04:21 PM) Let's put it this way: If Soxtalk started charging people to post, you'd never see me again. I'll suggest this idea in our next team meeting.
  13. I don't have much to add from an analysis standpoint. Everyone here has it covered. Attended the game this evening with Brian which was good times, the outcome of course not so much. Tony, we had a few D-Bags in the two seats in front of me this evening, I think you would've punched both of them. Perhaps I missed it while reading the thread, but thoughts on Lang's play this evening, and his play as of late? Also Tony, yeah, that goal that was close to going over the line wasn't in. From my seats we got a pretty good view of it. I wasn't very surprised that they didn't take a look, I'm pretty sure there is an official upstairs who could've called down if it was in. There was a bit of a delay between the whistle and draw. As others have said, need to make a trade for a D-Man, Zyuzin has gotta go.
  14. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Dec 8, 2007 -> 12:03 AM) f***....got back from the doctors after having severing swelling in my knee the last two days (hurt myself snowboarding) and it turns out I tore something in my knee. They have to wait for the swelling to go down to tell if I'll need surgery. The good news is I seem to be able to put pressure on it and most of my limping is due to the swelling (or so I hope). Does that mean you'll be resting up at home? Maybe you can sneak some radio shows in?
  15. QUOTE(WHarris1 @ Dec 3, 2007 -> 10:08 PM) Ya, they have it now so that if you apply by the early admission deadline which was like November something, you get automatically notified on December 14th. What's crazier you being a senior or the toddler of the board (me) going to college? I feel older than all you bastards! I don't know WH, I knew you we're younger than most, but I'm surprised. It's like I don't know you at all!
  16. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Dec 1, 2007 -> 12:05 AM) Somehow, that kid might have been the best thing at the game. Wow. The Hawks came out FLYING in that 1st period. I think I have only seen one other PHX game this season, but the difference in talent is enormous. The Hawks have been on the other end of that for years, but being on the good end for once was nice to see. Aside from Buff getting schooled in the 3rd, I really can't think of a player that didn't come to play tonight. Everyone was finishing their checks, crisp passing. Great, great night. Now go kick the s*** out of the Blues. Sorry about missing you, Tony. My section was really full, even the seats in front of me we're full and you know they never are. I got my chicken and 'drink' within 2 minutes again last night!
  17. QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Dec 1, 2007 -> 12:43 AM) I was wondering what the crowd was cheering wildly about coming back from break, assumed it was something on the jumbotron but didn't know what. They did a bit called "Dancing Fever". Where they put a little disco dance floor on the 'tron and the person danced. A kid like 7-8 started dancing and he was doing all sorts of wacky dances for a minute or so. The crowd was eating it up, and then they cut away from this kid and everyone boo'd. They put the camera back on the kid who got up and started to go again and everyone went wild. It was pretty entertaining.
  18. I know the game was on tv, so I can't add much. But Ronnie Woo Woo was in my section 225 during the 2nd period and he was doing the "Hawks woo" BS. People in my area at least we're pissed, then he moved on to another area in the 200 section. Great crowd tonight....You know, I'm watching the game now, because I recorded it, and the crowd sounded way louder live during the anthem than it came across on tv. But that's Comcast and most sporting events I guess. For those of you who we're at the game, how about that dancing kid in the 3rd period? Was that awesome or what?
  19. I'll say it here since I said it in the other thread. I imagine this clause is something where he has control over which teams he would accept a trade to. But, I could be wrong.
  20. I'm reading it more like he has control over which teams he accept a trade to. Rather then a full not going anywhere, no matter what clause.
  21. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Nov 28, 2007 -> 07:51 PM) Here's the question. In a FA, if you get in on the bidding to drive the price up, you usually expect to hurt your bidding opponent by making them spend more even if you lose. But in the trade market, if we're in on this...then wouldn't we expect that we'd be helping out the Twins by driving up the baseline of what they could get? I.e. The Yankees offer Hughes and Cabrera, the Twins counter by saying we've offered Gio, DLS, and Fields, and the Yankees have to beat that if they want him? Could be, but I'm not sure Kenny would play those sorts of games. Maybe he has in the past and I'm totally forgetting. Since we don't how if/when they plan on moving Santana, the Sox really cannot afford to have potential trade bait players tied up in a possible Santana deal when other trades are going down.
  22. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Nov 28, 2007 -> 07:49 PM) I'm stuck at work, counting down the hours until Friday. God I am loving this team. I'm at home. Oh hell yeah, I can't wait to get there for the Yotes.
  23. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Nov 28, 2007 -> 07:12 PM) I was surprised by something I just heard on ESPN news, it was just a lead-in to a Tim Kurkjian piece but the anchor says "the usual big spenders are taken a look at Santana with the Mets, Yankees, Red Sox, White Sox and Angels are reportedly putting together packages for the 29 year old left hander." I know it means absolutely nothing at all and the Sox really don't make much sense as a possible suitor for Johan (in the same division, lacking a big time pitching prospect, starting pitcher looking for a 6+ year deal) but it was just odd to hear the White Sox mentioned. That is odd to hear if it is true. Certainly is a KW big splash type move, but the Sox don't have the chips to play in this poker game. Hell, even if they did, they'd have some major issues with signing him.
  24. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ Nov 28, 2007 -> 07:45 PM) 2-0! BUFFFFFF
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