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Mr. Showtime

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Everything posted by Mr. Showtime

  1. QUOTE(fathom @ May 8, 2007 -> 10:56 PM) This Cubs game.....ugh! Every single close play is going their way. Holy s***, I just saw that play to end the Pirate 11th, horrible call at 1st base.
  2. QUOTE(Tony82087 @ May 8, 2007 -> 10:54 PM) This place has turned into a car wreck. It gets so bad, but you can't turn away. Losing an extra inning game has caused 4+ doom days threads already. Do you want to start the next one or should I?
  3. QUOTE(fathom @ May 8, 2007 -> 10:50 PM) He's not going to get fired during the season unless he says something stupid. With that in mind, I'd like everyone in the organization to be evaluated closely this year, as there's a lot of changes that will have to take place after this year. I'm not sure what the hell to expect if they don't make the playoffs. Guess it depends on how it all goes down. If they get back into it and fall short it could go one way, if they look like this all year you'd have to figure one of KW or Ozzie will go. I suppose you just never know with Jerry.
  4. Well, could help things, but I certainly don't forsee it happening during the season. If the Sox are out of the playoffs again I could see it.
  5. I don't see it starting within the organization for at least another month.
  6. QUOTE(fathom @ May 8, 2007 -> 10:32 PM) This Cubs game is making me even sicker. I hate this f***ing baseball season. That was a hell of a throw.
  7. QUOTE(fathom @ May 8, 2007 -> 10:21 PM) Wow, I can't believe we pitched to him. Nothing like lettting him beat you. f*** YOU OZZIE! Violated part deux?
  8. QUOTE(TheOcho @ May 8, 2007 -> 10:15 PM) No one left in the BP correct? Maybe I missed it but Logan and Jenks.
  9. QUOTE(Brian @ May 8, 2007 -> 07:38 PM) P.S. if you don't wanna know about Edge possibly cashing in etc...stay away from wwe.com until after SD airs. They have a habit of posting stuff there is something big happens at the tapings. Or your cell phone if you have the mobile service. Looking forward to watching the show.
  10. QUOTE(zenryan @ May 8, 2007 -> 08:47 PM) save some runs for tomorrow!! Exactly, we can't afford to lose the Jessica Alba avatar.
  11. QUOTE(fathom @ May 8, 2007 -> 07:44 PM) So, I just heard the dumbest thing ever: on the Cubs broadcast, the announcers quoted Mike Murphy as saying that their game on Sunday was the best managed game he's ever seen. Well, by my calculations, if Cordero hadn't blown that game, the Nationals would have scored the winning runs in the 7th inning when Pinella brought in Howry to face Dmitri Young instead of letting him face a lefty reliever. In very limited ABs this year, Young's been a little better than vs lefties than righties, but his recent seasons have shown he's much, much more dangerous vs RHP. Last year, his OPS was nearly double against RHP, and he has like a 120-40 homer split vs RHP/LHP. I know this isn't about the Sox, but just wanted to show it's not only Hawk I pick on for idiotic comments. Quoting Murphy on something like that would be like quoting Santo. Silly.
  12. QUOTE(Flash Tizzle @ May 8, 2007 -> 07:38 PM) Morneau can apparently catch up to a 92 mph fastball down the middle in a hitters count. Let's see if our hitters can learn the same art. Is this where I'm supposed to say where's our Morneau?
  13. QUOTE(longshot7 @ May 8, 2007 -> 01:44 PM) Yes, the loss of Undertaker and Kennedy hurts the Smackdown brand a lot, but what WWE has done in the past (and it's easier now with the end of brand-exclusiveness) is move guys over to the brand that's hurting. Why not move Snitsky and maybe bring up The Ripper to SD, and add the returning Rey Mysterio & Mark Henry and there you go. You can also push the Cruisers and spread the Punk/Burke feud between the two brands. What I didnt like about last night (and I understand the need to move the briefcase in case he's not back) is the way Kennedy looked like a complete tool in accepting the match and then telling the ref to ring the bell once he was already f'ed up. Yes, some guys are more guts than brains, but Kennedy stood apart from this pack as a fairly smart guy. Most of this will be forgotten by the time he returns (unless they keep him on tv while he's healing) but still. Also, I LOVE Edge - definitely in my top 3 top guys right now, but does he need the briefcase? What I'd like is for him to put it up against another up and comer, say Punk after the Burke feud, or even Johnny Nitro, lose it and then have the two of them feud for a couple months over it some more, elevating them in the process. Edge should be the champ, but as this isn't going to happen anytime soon, this would be a good use for him. random things: Khali isn't going to beat Cena - how do they keep this feud going? Get Vince off my TV. I don't care. His storyline isn't going to make me order PPV. It might make me download it illegally however. Loved the Women's match last night too - hey, they're actually wrestling! Great stuff. Is Beth Phoenix ever coming back up? The loss of Taker and Kennedy isn't a huge deal. Look at what losing HHH did for the Raw side you had a ton of fresh match-ups because they we're forced to do something different. If Edge does indeed win the belt on Smackdown, Batista can chase Edge for the title, Taker can come for him when he returns, you got Benoit whom I figure will drop the US to MVP~! As for Kennedy losing the case, yeah, they had to get it off him. I think the whole Mania deal was BS anyway. I don't even have a problem with how they did it. To a point it was perfect booking, if the idea is to make him a face when he returns. Storyline wise, yeah, Edge needs the briefcase to cash in tonight in theory. First, he wasn't a dumb face like Sting who has historically always been played to be. He got right in the face of Edge and didn't back down from his challenge. He was jumped from behind and f***ed over, he didn't give up after the beating and tried to go after Edge. So, in the process Edge came off for the better, and when Kennedy comes back he's got a ready made fued with Edge, who should still be champ by then. And he'll be a huge face coming back to kick ass. I think they made the best out of this situation. To soon to do anything with Burke, and Punk isn't loved by the higher ups as well all know. I love Nitro but I think he ends up taking some heat because of Melina. ------ As for Khali-Cena, the match will be bad and we move on from there. You'd think with the way this has ben built the story is HBK wins the belt, Cena chases after it and then HHH comes back and we're off from there. Vince isn't going anywhere anytime soon. It's a vanity promotion Candice has improved in the ring and the management has noticed it and she's getting rewarded for it. JR mentions it all the time on his blog an Raw. QUOTE(briguy27 @ May 8, 2007 -> 06:57 PM) rumor has it edge will be cashing in the mitb on friday (or should i say the tuesday taping of the friday show). undertaker will beat batista, and then edge will cash it in. taker will then have surgery, and be out 6-8 months, and batista will have a fued with mark henry, who should be returning soon. now with kennedy going to be missing 5-7 months, who will edge fued with? king booker? kane? what does everyone think? Booker is hurt right now. I said in the other post I made, I could Benoit getting a run vs. Edge once he loses the US title to MVP. I could see Mysterio back as a challenger as well. Can't wait to hear Henry's music again.
  14. QUOTE(The Critic @ May 8, 2007 -> 06:15 PM) Seriously, that guy needs help. His entire existence these days is yelling and swearing at or about retired wrestlers. What an insufferable douche. Eh, for some guys the show never ends. This is his gimmick now.
  15. QUOTE(SnB @ May 4, 2007 -> 11:41 PM) there were no blue chairs around....and my mom isn't around to get mad at me Still 4 months to go in the season...
  16. QUOTE(SnB @ May 4, 2007 -> 11:35 PM) i'm literally starting to dread watching sox games. that's a first. Break anything ala young Willie yet?
  17. QUOTE(santo=dorf @ May 4, 2007 -> 11:34 PM) At the end of the broadcast did it sound like Hawk was tired of making excuses for this team and is legitimately fed up like some of us have been for the past 2-3 weeks? I didn't see the end of the game. However, there seemed to be a few times tonight where both he and DJ said this was BS. Then they slip into "everything is cool" mode again.
  18. QUOTE(Kalapse @ May 4, 2007 -> 11:19 PM) No, I mean replacing the words and ideas of others with those of my own and then agreeing to the statement. Yeah, that. Oh. I guess I am slow then, I didn't pick up on that.
  19. QUOTE(Kalapse @ May 4, 2007 -> 11:15 PM) I've only done it twice today so I'm not exactly going overboard. You best get used to it though because I'm going to be using it even more often in the coming days. Maybe I'm slow, but are you talking about the smaller text?
  20. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ May 4, 2007 -> 11:13 PM) Now I have a new background image. Thanks.
  21. QUOTE(southsideirish71 @ May 4, 2007 -> 11:07 PM) Its funny they are worried about Hall being about to throw down to second with his arm. What does it matter. AJ has a non-injured arm and cant throw anyone out and our pitchers dont hold people on. As long as he can deliver the ball back to the pitcher bring him on. At least he can hit lefties, and hopefully allow AJ to rest. It seems that Molina is here only to be an emergency catcher. Did you see this?
  22. QUOTE(fathom @ May 4, 2007 -> 11:05 PM) And if he pans out, you're getting a very charismatic, marketable player. We're going to need an attraction after Pods leaves and takes all the fat, teenage girls with him. Sad isn't it?
  23. QUOTE(fathom @ May 4, 2007 -> 11:01 PM) Wow I talked to you in the other thread about people who want to rebuild or people who want to reload. This I don't understand.
  24. QUOTE(fathom @ May 4, 2007 -> 10:54 PM) Please, please, please release Cintron. I'd rather see Andy Gonzalez. There was an article in one of the papers today that he started playing some OF recently. I know Andy isn't a top prospect or anything, but they need to stop moving people around.
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