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Mr. Showtime

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Everything posted by Mr. Showtime

  1. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Feb 27, 2006 -> 07:50 PM) I don't know whether I should thank ya or run away. You'd look something like me if you wore glasses all the time.. Let that sink in for a second. Bad news kids.
  2. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Feb 27, 2006 -> 07:46 PM) I don't think I could do glasses full time. I play basketball and football at least once a week and all I'd do is worry about getting my glasses broken. And I refuse to sport goggles like James "Big Game" Worthy. Let the record show I wore the goggles ala Horce Grant back in my younger days. I wasn't any good with or without them.
  3. QUOTE(SnB @ Feb 27, 2006 -> 07:16 PM) I know that if I ever tried contacts, I would never be able to get them in. I can see pretty well without my glasses, just won't see a whole lot of detail watching TV or won't be able to read things somewhat far away, but I wear them just about all the time. I guess I'm one of the few that has no problem w/ glasses. That's why I've never tried contacts. I don't have a problem with them per se, I just think I'd look better without my glasses. Not the best reason I suppose, but it's more of a confidence thing for me.
  4. QUOTE(JimH @ Feb 27, 2006 -> 02:12 PM) Guys I am refraining from posting for personal reasons but I saw this thread and would like to help you out. I had Lasik done 5 years ago by Dr. Richard Foulkes in Hinsdale (Google him, I think it's Laser Eye Center) and I could not be more pleased. I paid $1500 total and the cost is lower in some cases now, not only that it can be financed with no money down and about $40 a month. I could not be any happier, I am thrilled with the results. I had horrible vision, 20/700 in one eye and 20/650 in the other, I mean really bad vision. My vision is now 20/20 in one eye and 20/30 in the other, he slightly undercorrected one eye so I wouldn't have trouble seeing up close as I aged. I wore glasses since age 10 and contacts from age 18, suffice it to say I do not miss them. Not only that I am WAY ahead expense wise from all the contact lens crap I had to buy. My wife's vision was almost as bad, she had her eyes done 2 years ago and is just as happy. You experience a rough nite for the first nite but the good news is all you want to do is sleep anyways. After 72 hours you are well on the road to recovery. Highly recommended. Interesting. I've heard good things about Dr. Foulkes. I've had glasses since 2nd grade and I'm going to be 22 soon. I don't know if I qualify but this was very helpful to me, Jim.
  5. Mr. Showtime

    Lasik Cost?

    Has anyone here had lasik done? Mainly what I'm looking to know is how much does it cost? I understand every place that does it charges different, and I also assume it depends on each patient. I've heard upwards of $4000 is the cost. Anyone else?
  6. QUOTE(SnB @ Feb 26, 2006 -> 11:13 PM) 4,000 views in 5 hours. Holy s***, soxtalk was desperate for something to talk about. Only "4" pages for me, easy to read.
  7. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Feb 26, 2006 -> 10:26 PM) When works fine; it necessarily doesn't have to be about him playing against us. This feud won't last forever. There's going to have to be a statue and number retirement sometime. Right, but that's awhile down the line. Nobody will boo him then, nor should anyone. I still don't think people would if the Sox and A's we're to play tomorrow. I just don't forsee him playing much, if at all in 2006.
  8. I sorta skimmed through this. I agree with what Aboz has said. About this poll, the question should be "IF" he returns, not when. Lets see him step on the field first.
  9. QUOTE(Heads22 @ Feb 26, 2006 -> 06:14 PM) OK, I am in the process of uploading 77 different backgrounds/wallpapers from last year to the server. Once I get it up, tell me if I missed anything. You guys have way too much time for this stuff. Of the 77, 68 are from Goldy and Deploderer. We also feature SoxFan1, Greasy, Mr. Showtime and Knightni. Most of mine we're the calendar wallpapers..
  10. QUOTE(Kalapse @ Feb 25, 2006 -> 12:46 AM) Indeed. I know I made one, I just wasn't sure if it was for myself or the board.
  11. Oh yes. You'll still have surprises and upsets due to the length of the season. However, I don't care, I want to see some wild spending.
  12. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Feb 24, 2006 -> 10:26 PM) We need one with Crede arguing with Froemming. That was classic. I think that was about as mad as I got last season. I think I used that for a calendar, but I don't recall.
  13. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Feb 24, 2006 -> 10:25 PM) Haha I loved this thing. I remember this debuted after the ASB. I'm saving this. I just went through the FTP and all the headers in there are from ASG and beyond. So, I have no idea what I used last year. Jas, said he'd look around. Oh yes, the Sox had quite a few win streaks with that one.
  14. QUOTE(greasywheels121 @ Feb 24, 2006 -> 09:34 PM) Well if Crede doesn't win this, we know the retro-looking Crede banner and Rally Crede avatars will be put to use. I hope someone has saved these things. I think one of the crede headers is still on the server though... EDIT: 05 CREDE~!
  15. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Feb 24, 2006 -> 09:04 PM) I demand more facetime for Buehrle. Please, sir. Oh. I don't even know if I'm doing it, Deploder and Gold have been really making some great stuff as of late. I'll do something and whatever is best, we'll go with.
  16. As the wrestling historian here, I'll explain. WCW towards the end was trying anything and everything to pop a rating. One such idea was to get KISS to perform live on an episode of Nitro. Which they did for a boatload of cash. A part of the deal to do so, was to have a wrestler in their likeness. Dale was called "the KISS DEMON~!~!" He of course had KISS intro music and he even came out of a coffin or tomb or something insane like that. Real failure.
  17. What did I use last year? Anyone recall?
  18. QUOTE(IlliniKrush @ Feb 13, 2006 -> 10:31 PM) Everyone circle July 21st on their calendars... My god. I thought it said: "Texas Mullet Night". That would be way better.
  19. QUOTE(The Critic @ Feb 6, 2006 -> 01:50 PM) Don't break kayfabe or you'll get backstage heat with the bookers, and you'll be depushed to being a curtain jerker or worse, jobbing in dark matches with Dusty finishes... What? Too INSIDE???? I certainly would be breaking kayfabe if I translated what you said into something non-marks could understand.
  20. QUOTE(The Critic @ Feb 6, 2006 -> 10:13 AM) Go directly to rehab, then. I don't have a problem... YAY INSIDE WRESTLING JOKES~!
  21. QUOTE(The Critic @ Feb 6, 2006 -> 12:50 AM) WOW, since you were a KID???? FIVE WHOLE YEARS???? Sorry, I was hanging out with Jake Roberts before typing that....
  22. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Feb 5, 2006 -> 09:22 PM) Can you pin it as "The Wrestling Thread"? Heh. I don't forsee much wrestling talk here. I do enjoy reading the thoughts though. If anyone has any questions in the future about wrestling, I'd be happy to try to answer them.
  23. This is a funny thread. For someone like myself, who has seen damn near every wrestling show since I was a kid, it's interesting to read the thoughts of people who used to watch it, or people who sometimes catch it. Lot of weird comments.
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