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Mr. Showtime

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Everything posted by Mr. Showtime

  1. QUOTE(Spod=Ratings @ Jan 22, 2005 -> 09:37 PM) Who was the new guy at the end of the year? He reacted the same with a sox loss or win. He was like a frickin robot! I forget his name, but he was an ex-sports anchor from channel 2. Real douche bag, who is a Cubs fan.
  2. I can't believe we have a 4 page thread on Jeff Nelson, if this was 1998, I could see it.
  3. Tremendous, 2 wins in a row at the Palace. I gotta agree 100% with the comments on the fans, hope we get to shut them up again come playoff time.
  4. I don't think they've announced that yet, I'm sure Bill will be doing it still though. The Sox own the channel all it takes is one phone call from the Chairman and it's a done deal. Unless Bill doesn't like doing it, it'll be his job, I think it willl be one of the other goofs they have with him.
  5. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Jan 22, 2005 -> 11:26 AM) Exactly what came to mind for me, then he can see up close how badly the Knicks suck rather than from a luxury suite. He usually sits by the tunnel where the players go in/out. No way he names himself coach, the team is still going to be brutal if he's the coach and the next head the ax will fall on will be him.
  6. QUOTE(qwerty @ Jan 21, 2005 -> 09:30 PM) Bill walton needs to be shot. I used to dislike Walton, but now I really enjoy him. Not sure what brought on the change.
  7. In my best Bill Walton tone "horrible". Only up by 3 after 3. Sheesh.
  8. QUOTE(3 BeWareTheNewSox 5 @ Jan 21, 2005 -> 08:51 PM) I didn't get the Skiles "Will you guys be there when we play Detroit tomorow?" joke. Either I'm missing something, or it was a had to be there kind of thing. He said that because their we're players holding and the refs we're calling fouls, the Pistons do that sort of thing and fouls are not called. Hence the joke....
  9. QUOTE(Steff @ Jan 21, 2005 -> 04:27 PM) Can one of you correct my typo in the title.. ? Thanks I fixed it.
  10. QUOTE(Goldmember @ Jan 20, 2005 -> 09:35 PM) agreed. rarely do i sit down to do something with a 'blueprint' in my head. i may have a general idea of how i want it to look like but never have i thought out the finished copy in my head. i've tried it and rarely does it work out the way i planned. it's kinda always evolving until i end up with something i'm happy with and i just know it's finished. and many times even after i think i'm done i'll sit there and look at it after its been posted or whatever and i think, "i shoulda done this or that" , "i shoulda tried this" or "shoulda changed that..." I'm sorta the same way, most of the time when I try to make my ideas reality then come out crappy.
  11. I'm not Gold, so I can's speak for him... When you're talking about doing a specific backround or one thing like the tutorial posted in this thread it's no problem, because there is an exact forumla you can follow to do something. With a sig or a banner in my case, you don't follow any script, again I can't speak for Gold, but it's more of messing with some filters to see how something looks, then going from there. More tinkering I guess would be the best way of doing it. If you're someone new to photoshop, you should look online for Photoshop Tutorials, there are a lot of good sites out there.
  12. Reinsdorf along with Eddie Einhorn bought the team along with a group of investors. Reinsdorf was voted the chairman of the board, so via that title he is seen as the lead owner. I don't know how much of the team he owes, but it's a big pie split a number of ways. Basically Jerry is the boss in title, he makes the financial decisions for the rest of the investors.
  13. QUOTE(Confederate_48 @ Jan 19, 2005 -> 09:40 AM) I heard this might be the last year for MVP because Take Two is trying to get exclusive MLB rights EA is not going to let that happen, they've got the cash, if anything it'll be them getting exclusive rights.
  14. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Jan 17, 2005 -> 02:17 PM) I missed this seminar, what exactly did Gload say? I ofcourse was not there, but apparently he made some comment about how a lot of guys we're dating his wife, so he decided that she must be something worth getting.
  15. QUOTE(Spiff @ Jan 17, 2005 -> 11:03 AM) Actually I think they took it off the list because everytime the computer goes to punt they just run around in circles and demolish your whole team. I was trying to play Blades of Steel, but had some trouble with it. I moved onto Mario Brothers, that takes me back.
  16. QUOTE(Spiff @ Jan 17, 2005 -> 10:50 AM) Did anyone find Tecmo Super Bowl anywhere on that site? No.
  17. QUOTE(chi-guy2 @ Jan 17, 2005 -> 09:44 AM) why? he looked fine the last couple games He hurt his ankle in practice yesterday.
  18. QUOTE(The Critic @ Jan 16, 2005 -> 11:26 PM) Just read the recap of the TNA PPV. Triple J is still the champ.....WHAT A SHOCKER. The show sounded HORRIBLE, with people running around all night looking for "clues" that Dusty Rhodes hid around the arena, and endless Kevin Nash/DDP nonsense. ugh ugh ugh. And Ian, I'm not sold on Ring Of Honor either - all these minor feds kinda smell the same. My interest level is so low right now, that I barely even watch Raw anymore, even though their writers are finally writing halfway-decent long-term storylines. SmackDown is horrible, and never worth watching at all. And it's nice to see Batista finally developing a somewhat passable personality. I'm enjoying the way he's messing with HHH lately....not bad. I can't believe they didn't put the belt on Brown. From what I read the Ulitmate X match was off the charts good. ROH is more of an old school promotion, they have some hardcore brawls and what not, but it's slow builds and just good wrestling. The business is at a point where everything has been done and it's going to take time to condition the fans to accept less.
  19. That's not a rumor, just Barry saying they should think big. Damn near everyone on Minnesota can be had right now in a trade except for Kevin.
  20. QUOTE(Jeckle2000 @ Jan 16, 2005 -> 12:09 PM) I think everybody would rather have Durham. Besides if we did get Tony G. back I highly doubt it would be as a starting 2B. More then likely he would just take Valdez's place on the roster. In fact I doubt he would even effect any Durham/Castillo/Iguchi deal. I think whether they should bring back Tony whether they get Durham/Iguchi or not. That way if Uribe or whoever the 2nd basemen is going to be starts slow you've got a veteran you can put in there.
  21. QUOTE(LowerCaseRepublican @ Jan 16, 2005 -> 12:00 PM) ECW was bought out by the WWE and then used in that absolutely terrible "Invasion" angle. Because the fans obviously wanted another fueding McMahon's story than to see the WCW/ECW talent take on the WWE talent You do have to commend Paul Heyman for doing a damn good job with what he had though since the big 2 at the time could always raid his talent and his ideas for matches pretty much at will. Indeed. They only brought ECW into the angle because they botched the WCW end of it so badly by treating them like jobbers and not bringing in many of the established names right away. It was never WCW vs WWE, it was mid card guys getting squashed by WWE stars so Vince could bury them once and for all. WWE is looking at running an ECW PPV this summer, as of now Heyman nor Tommy Dreamer will have any involvement in it from a creative standpoint. I can see it now, Shannon Moore hitting Funaki with a chair and Josh Matthews screams, "This is Hardcore"... :headshake
  22. QUOTE(The Critic @ Jan 16, 2005 -> 11:50 AM) Wrestling on whole is in a downward trend, but I'd rather watch Raw than anything the TNA has to offer. I've seen tapes from past PPVs of TNA, and I watch Impact! whenever I remember that it's on, and I'm just not that impressed. They have a few decent guys like AJ Styles and Sonjay Dutt, but there's just too much WCW stink on them. And Jeff Jarrett will NEVER be a main event presence, no matter how many times he talks his Dad into letting him wear the belt. Dutt's contract just expired he may not be around much longer. Abyss is headed to WWE as well. Dusty Rhodes just recently took over the book for TNA as well. Jerry Jarrett has been bery vocal about the fact that Jeff is always on top, but he lost a big share of the company when they sold it to Panda Energy. Critic you should look into Ring of Honor, they've got some good things happening there. In fact they're running a show in Chicago Ridge soon.
  23. I don't think they're talking about adding another starter, I wonder if it could be Nen.
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