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Mr. Showtime

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Everything posted by Mr. Showtime

  1. Tremendous! Kerr said: "Don't be afraid to go to Ben Davis." (Kerr meant Ben Gordon) That's right, Ben Davis will beat you down in baseball and basketball.
  2. Let the record show that I don't change the banners, I just make them. Perhaps I have access to that, but I never seen it.
  3. Nice job, Southpaw. I've never really tried altering a logo, I'll give it a try tonight and see what shakes down.
  4. Paint them yourself. Be a man, Critic. Oh yeah....
  5. The Score is claiming that Boras is the agent for Cora, is that true?
  6. heh, that sounds like some sort of wrestling promo.... That sort of sounds like the Sox haven't jumped in on him yet, so if he decides tonight, they wouldn't get a chance to. Of course all these options means he won't be here, but one could take it the comment like he's going to sign with an AL Central team. Won't be the Tigers, no way he takes a back-up role in Minnesota, unless he's going to be a DH or something bizzare like that. Royals, he can sign with them for all I care, won't hurt the Sox one bit. That's all I can think of in terms not being good news for the Sox, I'm guessing they haven't talked with him, or made up their minds whether or not to persue him.
  7. Let the record show I edited the title of this thread. So we can stop some of the madness.
  8. Sweet. Since we have so many people here who know how to run a franchise and are willing to lose money this should be fun.
  9. Mets already have 5 starters, they need bullpen help. All of their starters are high priced guys as well, I doubt they'd move one of they to the bullpen.
  10. Ugh. Score has no inside news on anything outside of the Bears.
  11. Rumor according to an LA radio station (perhaps Jason or one of our other Cali posters, can listen and see what's up) is that the Cardinals might be the 4th team. Which does make sense, they have money freed up from not getting Edgar back.
  12. I'm not sure they'd want to pay Konerko, seemingly one of the holdups of the deal is that LA wants money from NY to cover Vazquez so they can jump in on Drew.
  13. I can't see how in the world they could give up Garland in this deal. Unless Kenny has someone we don't know about "on his radar". From the sound of what Rosenthal said, I would think it would be Garland and prospects. Because really we'd be getting Vazquez from LA, who has no need for Konerko.
  14. The deal was agreed to in principal by the teams. There is/was money to be worked out in terms of if the Yanks would give LA and Arizona money. Green has to waive has no trade clause, and he apparently wants a contract extension from Arizona to do this. So nothing by any means is done or official.
  15. You would hope so, but a chance to play for the World Series Champions is a perk as well.
  16. Yep which might be why a "mystery" 4th team has hopped into the Johnson deal.
  17. Jim or Flash I forget who, made a reference to it, here is the buzz: 4 All I could think of here is White Sox, Angels, Marlins as the 4th team. No way George is going to let Boston in this deal. The plot thickens....
  18. This Johnson thing is going to take atleast a few more days to shake down. Gammons and a few others have said maybe a week to hammer this out. I don't think Clement waits that long.
  19. Pfft, there are posters on this board who have more baseball contacts than Offman. Levine has at least a clue as to what is happening.
  20. Same as I am here, nobody... In all seriousness, I just lurk over there. I'm just curious as to what others think about the Bulls.
  21. I'm damn near positive it was earlier in this thread, which would make me think Levine.
  22. Not on the Bulls board you visit... DaBullz and ace2000 are total jags about Skiles and Pax....
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