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Mr. Showtime

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Everything posted by Mr. Showtime

  1. Time for a new word. Crap, now I said it. Yeah, I wasn't sure if hi8is was drunk or what.
  2. You think they're going to bring back Frank next year? They have the option to buy him out.
  3. Einhorn-Claus will bring us what we need. I thought it was funny...
  4. You know the stats way better than I do. I like the outfield as it stands. Of course I reserve the right to change my mind when I actually see it in action.
  5. I missed last years fun. I'm still up in the air on going this year, I'm sure everyone is just dying to get a look at my pretty face. :headshake However, If is going to talk about , and possibly invite me to a secret I'll be there.
  6. Alright then. I'll have my eye on this situation..
  7. I don't think I like you using that kind of lingo...
  8. I can't wait that long. I love when the board has 100 new threads.
  9. If he waits till Soxfest to sign a FA starter, we'll end up with someone who is just god awful.
  10. Nothing happened. He wasn't healthy enough to contribute to a Major League team. He'll be signed by the time Soxfest rolls in I'm sure.
  11. I was just on the Yankee and D-Back MLB boards. From the Arizona side I guess it was said that Arizona wants MLB ready players, not prospects. They think this proposed deal would be bad from them. One guy said Marte was a mariginal reliever. From the Yankee side, they don't want to part with what it would take.
  12. I think they'll have something when we get our new starting pitcher.
  13. If there was ever any doubt, he's not the PTBNL.. Rotoworld:
  14. Holy s***, you popped me big time. I forgot all about that. Oh man. LOL!!!!
  15. Yeah, I'm sorry totally just blanked out on that.
  16. In NY when it comes to pitching, it's how are they going to do in the playoffs, regular season means nothing. I know George would love to have him, just seems like Arizona doesn't want to move him there. You forgot Vazquez in that rotation as well.
  17. Here's how the money angle works if it would be Carl... Carl makes 4 million this year. Marte makes 1.5 million. Garland makes 3.4 million this year. Rowand is under a million as of now.... Dugout Dollars says Randy makes 10.5 million in 05 with 6 million deferred in 2004 and in 2005.
  18. George isn't going to play games with Arizona, he'll move on. I'm sure they're zeroing in on Beltran.
  19. Jason, you know the Clement thing is a long shot. Randy is more realistic option, only have to beat out 1 team.
  20. I'd have to think Jerry and Eddie would authorize more cash to sign another starter. Johnson atleast from a money stand point would pay for himself in less than a year.
  21. In thinking about recent trade rumors, I was wondering what poeple thought about prospects. Knowing the Sox history with prospects, would you rather deal hitting, or pitching prospects? Personally myself, I'd rather move the pitching, knowing how most of our guys turn out.
  22. That was my line of thinking, that rotation would spell trouble for a lot of teams not named the Yankees.
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