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Mr. Showtime

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Everything posted by Mr. Showtime

  1. I'm not sure it's online yet, but the January issue of Maxim has Eva Longoria on the cover. You know, for those who like this sort of thing...
  2. Perhaps you should start a new thread when you hear news..
  3. With Sweeney and Anderson coming soon, they'd rather pay them $300,000 per year than 8 million for Lee. Remember, it's always about money. Plus they are looking to remake the team with less boppers and more speed.
  4. If we get Pods, then we have our outfield set with Dye and Rowand. And we free up more cash.
  5. I think Hudson would've been nice, we just don't have a good infielder to trade. I would think the Sox would be smart enough to go out and address another hole if they can Randy. I guess all of this is wait and see what happens.
  6. Perhaps Stark is going off of what the D-Backs GM said. His agents have said the opposite, someone is lying here.
  7. It's going to come down to us or the Yankees. We have the best package to offer, it's all up to Randy. If the Yanks can some how land Pedro, then they're out of the Johnson derby as well.
  8. I think Konerko is gone after this year anyway. I highly doubt they'll pay him big money, so get something for him now. They have an option to buy out Thomas after this season as well. So we may enter 2006, without Thomas and Konerko, which would leave alot of money to spend on another bat. For once in our lives take a run at the Series.
  9. Meh, that's crap. People like Gammons and the Score are going off of nothing. We all know he wants the Yankees, and he wants out of Arizona. Those two things we know to be fact. His trade choices as of now are the Yankees, Sox, maybe Cardinals or Angels. The Cards GM has said if they sign Edgar than they are tapped money wise and can't get Randy. We know the situation with the Yankees, they maybe talking to Pedro now as well. So really, all of this is coming down to the Sox.
  10. Again, I was typing so perhaps I misheard, but I thought he said he hasn't heard back from them since meeting on Saturday.
  11. Yeah, I edited the post, as to not confuse posters into thinking that Randy has withing the past 24-48 hours said no.
  12. Considering he was hurt, I would say we know why he was bad.
  13. I took it as this.... Kenny was told by the Arizona GM that Randy didn't want to come here. However, as Randys' agents have said he has not ruled out any team. Kenny says Johnson told Arizona he has a strong desire to play for the Yankees, doesn't mean it'll happen. Last but not least, it sounded like Kenny meant since Arizona and Randy had that meeting last night he has not heard back.
  14. I would've mentioned it myself, but I didn't want to pat mahself on the back.
  15. Very sensative subject, talking about player under contract to another club. Therefore legally he can't say much. Knows there is interest from fans about Randy so he will say that a guy of his nature, you cannot stop until someone stops you. Was told by Arizona GM that Randy wouldn't come. EDIT: This comment was about when Kenny said earlier in the week that Randy wouldn't come...Randy told GM he has a desire to play for Yanks, but didn't rule out any teams. Hasn't heard anything on Randy since the meeting with Arizona and Randy. Not responding to what Mags said about Sox wanting to just make money. Thankful for what Magglio did for the Sox in his time. Being asked if Lee or PK are going, and Kenny asks if their out of time.. Really trying to stall.... Doesn't have to be Lee or Konerko to aquire a big name player. Exploring all options, doesn't rule anything out.
  16. In their opener they teased "new" news on Johnson. I doubt that very much.
  17. No shock. Either he's dealt for Randy or he stays. I'm not sure who is going to be cheaper between OC and Renteria. If Edgar goes to Detroit or stays in STL, OC's price is going to go up if Boston wants him.
  18. BoSox have started talking to OC again, rumor has it Cashman met with Pedro's agent today as well. Unless there is some real darkhorse team it's always been Cubs, Astros, and Yanks. Mets dump some older players, then sign more. Pick a road.... Nationals, I can see. They are looking to make a big splash and sell tickets. O's, Angelos loves star power and if he loses out on Magglio, I can see that. Mets, no clue what they are doing. Not rebuilding, yet going to be bad once again. Braves, no idea why they would want him. I know they are losing Drew, but Sosa is not the kind of guy Bobby Cox is going to get along with.
  19. Not really. You figure it's gonna be Lee/Konerko and Garland for whomever. So that would open a spot as well. I'm sure Rex could shed some light on this, but it might be for a rule 5 draftee.
  20. Right. If he ends up with the Yanks and they win the Series he plays a small part. If he comes here and the Sox win the Series, oh my god, we'd be talking about him 25 years from now.
  21. Exactly Jason. All Randy has to do is look to Curt Schilling, traded to a team who had good players, but could never put it all together. He came in and said "why not us", and now Schilling is a baseball legend for carrying and a team to the World Series and winning it.
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