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Mr. Showtime

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Everything posted by Mr. Showtime

  1. No. That type of thing doesn't happen in NY, the fans won't stand for it.
  2. Bengals Colts Raiders Patriots Eagles Redskins Giants Panthers Cardinals Jets Titans Broncos Rams Ravens
  3. Two things. 1) They missed out on Vlad last year, becuase they we're cheap and didn't think he was healthy. Basically they pulled a 'Sox', they got close, but had no intention of signing him. 2) It's NYC, they always feel the need to make what they deem to be a big splash with the Yanks. Especially after they sent Kazmir away, not good.
  4. Mike and the MadDog, I watch those guys everyday on YES. Wish we had them here.
  5. What crap. I remember reading that quote when Ozzie said it, and he was right on. He was told that guys like Borchard and Crede we're/are going to be stars, and he can clearly see they're not. So why should he go into meetings again this year and believe these clowns when they tell him "player X" is gonna be good?
  6. Rams Steelers Vikings Giants Falcons Bengals Eagles Titans Chiefs Broncos Colts Seahawks Raiders Redskins
  7. Saints Redskins Broncos Steelers Falcons Texans Packers Colts Panthers Seahawks Cowboys Bills Patriots Jets Bengals Eagles
  8. A lady BoSox fan flashed during the 9th inning of a game last week.
  9. heh, I know. Should've kept it a secret.
  10. Colts Seahawks Jets Rams Dolphins Steelers Texans Bills Bears Ravens Redskins Falcons Vikings Eagles Chiefs Panthers
  11. Mr. Showtime

    Nick GaS

    I'll have to look on my dish and see if I have this channel. I bet they don't show "Hey Dude"...
  12. Mr. Showtime

    Nick GaS

    Legends of the Hidden Temple, that takes me back.
  13. It was never up to him. His agent asked that the Bulls try to move him, the Bulls have been trying to get the Rockets to kick in some cash for the trade.
  14. Spiff is taking care of the standings this year.
  15. He and DJ we're talking about how he was slapping at the ball like Ichiro. Than DJ made the point that Willie needs to continue to turn on the ball to be good.
  16. That whole situation is a disaster. Ticket sales for the Hornets are way down from last year, they promised the NBA as part of their from move from Charlotte that they would achieve certain levels of attendence. If they trade Davis, they better get someone who can put asses in some seats.
  17. Old, and worried about injuries.
  18. Mr. Showtime


    I didn't even pick up on that, shows how much I pay attention I guess.
  19. Mr. Showtime


    Why did they keep chanting USA? Are they saying Kerry is anti-USA?
  20. Shouldn't this be in the game thread?
  21. I agree, Cheat. Nice going on holding back the personal insults gang.
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