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Everything posted by zach61

  1. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Feb 28, 2006 -> 01:17 PM) I loved "Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place" for some reason. Bob Patterson and Watching Ellie.
  2. QUOTE(Milkman delivers @ Feb 21, 2006 -> 09:54 AM) That's better, but I'd still like it to run around 5 or 6. They fired Bruce Wolf? I don't think Fox local news is on at 5 or 6 during the week. Isn't the Simpsons on at that time?
  3. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Feb 16, 2006 -> 03:26 PM) His responsibility? Really? I don't seem to recall it being national news when a Van Hillary Clinton was traveling in, disregarded a police officers orders to stop, and then proceeded to drag the man 300 feet. Was there a responsibility to hold a nearly immediate press confrence then as well? I'll tell you what I sure don't remember it happening... Also out of curiousity, what is the proper amount of time and where does contacting the national media rank for a hunting accident. Should they have called the media immediately, or waited to get him to the hospital, or waited until the police investigated, or waited until the family knew about it, or made sure that the family was ready for the swarm of media sure to ensue, or made sure that the guy was going to be OK, or gotten even gotten off of the ranch where they were hunting? Where does specifically contacting the national media rank there? I think at the very least, Cheney should have talked to the local police immediately and not waited until the next day to do that. Didn't the report from the police say they tried to interview Cheney that nite and the police were told that Cheney would setup a meeting with them the next day?
  4. QUOTE(Balta1701 @ Feb 12, 2006 -> 05:53 PM) "I plan to take over the state of Texas and turn it into a park where I will hunt the most dangerous game of all. MAN!" Is he going to limit it to 1 state because of Osama?
  5. QUOTE(YASNY @ Feb 10, 2006 -> 01:24 PM) Our tap water is teeming with chlorine. My doctor recommended to me that I drink bottled or filtered water for that reason. My next investment for the home will be a reverse osmosis system.
  6. QUOTE(NorthSideSox72 @ Feb 8, 2006 -> 04:13 PM) In general, I think cops don't go after things like littering because there are more important things to do. This is certainly true, but they aren't doing those things either a lot of the time. Its also true that doing little things like ticketing litterbugs and getting out of the cars to actually talk with people go a LONG way towards making communities safer, and more likely to help out the police on more serious crimes. But they have to market those efforts, too. Have the chief or superintendant or whomever get on TV and say, "listen - we are tired of the trash on the streets. Our beat cops are going to hand out tickets for littering like they were coupons for the local grocery, and its starting right now." And then do it. Guaranteed, littering will be lessened (not entirely prevented, of course). The ultimate fix, of course, is for parents to teach their kids to value their communities, their neighbors and their environment enough to not do that. But that's a pipe dream, I suppose. Here's what some people are teaching their kids. I live on a river and across from me is a park. This woman had her (about) 5 yr old kid s*** in a bucket and then she dumped it into the river. And yes, there are bathrooms for the people to use, so it's not like they didn't have somewhere to go, or even somewhere to dump the bucket of s***. She didn't have to dump it in the river.
  7. QUOTE(mreye @ Feb 1, 2006 -> 10:27 AM) Very nice! I was sitting in a restaurant once and heard these kids talking about what they got on a test. One of the questions that all 4 of them got wrong was: "What are the first ten amendments called?" This girl was going on and on about "The Bill of Rights! Why do we need to know that? Nobody knows that." Then she saw one of her other teachers (I assumed because she called him Mr.) if he knew the answer. I waited for him to go into a "You need to know this..., it's very important..." diatribe, but alas, he just said he didn't know. :headshake Don't we need those first ten ammendments for the judges to put in courthouses?
  8. QUOTE(zach23 @ Jan 30, 2006 -> 11:23 AM) Vienna hotdogs steamed and served on an S. Rosen's poppyseed bun. Put on mustard, onions, relish, tomato, cucumber and Vienna sport peppers. I like to have one of those and also a tamale from Veteran's on Archer and Ashland. Put the tamale on a hotdog bun with all the same toppings. I grew up eating both of these from the carts in Bridgeport. Mike's on Aberdeen and then later MaryAnn on Lyman street. Maryann is still out in the summer. Now I am hungry and need to go downstairs and make some of these in my steamer pot. Good thing I always keep Vienna hotdogs, Veterans tamales, and condiments on hand. I make these at home at least once a week. You're not going to give away the "secret" ingredient that the hot dog stands use?
  9. QUOTE(tonyho7476 @ Jan 26, 2006 -> 11:49 AM) Yeah, but when you hear Harry Caray, you think Cubs. And everyone around the country does too, thanks to WGN. So we should embrace it and turn the place into a Sox bar then. Let's get the place filled with Sox stuff and have nothing but people wearing Sox Jerseys in there.
  10. QUOTE(kyyle23 @ Jan 20, 2006 -> 08:00 PM) Headwaters of the Wisconsin River, Lac Vieux Desert. Supposedly there is a world record musky in the lake, its been seen more than a few times. Clerk: Yep, `General Sherman'. They say he's five hundred pounds of bottom-dwelling fury, don't you know. No one knows how old he is, but if you ask me (and most people do), he's hundred years if he's a day. Customer: And uh no one's ever caught him? Clerk: Well, one fella came close. Went by the name of Homer. Seven feet tall he was, with arms like tree trunks. His eyes were like steel, cold, hard. Had a shock of hair, red like the fires of Hell.
  11. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 18, 2006 -> 01:17 PM) Is it a personal attack if its true? I would guess not, but can you back up your opinion searching on google for this one?
  12. QUOTE(AnthraxFan93 @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 02:58 PM) Now your just trying to make youself look smart.. Isn't that cute.. No answer again. What I wrote must be what you are implying then. Nah. You just don't know how to troll and don't remember what your previous posts were.
  13. QUOTE(mreye @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 02:55 PM) I nominate this for "Thread of the Year 2006." 2nd it. I'm gonna go back to church after reading the crap from this guy. If he's what the outside of the church is like, I would rather have faith than what he claims is "truth." I don't think I like the truth fairy, especially since the truth fairy believes in Hitler's ways.
  14. QUOTE(AnthraxFan93 @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 02:51 PM) So all the facts that link him to the Hitler's Boys group (which name eldudes me) is stupid to think he was not brainwashed like the rest of Germany to believe in Hitler's way.. I see now. But using your example from earlier, the Pope would have to be brainwashing the priests to be child molestors. So you compare the 2, but compare them backwards. So which is it? Did Hitler do the brainwashing, or get brainwashed by the people underneath him? So are you saying that the Pope is being brainwashed by the priests to allow child molesting? And then you are also saying that the church was created to allow child molesting?
  15. QUOTE(AnthraxFan93 @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 02:37 PM) Just cause Hitler was bad doesn't make the group bad.. Isn't that your logic of priests? I think in your example, the Pope would need to be the child molestor to make that a true statement.
  16. QUOTE(YASNY @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 02:15 PM) Who's this Satan person? Does he exist? I believe he is #81 for the NY Islanders. Yes, he does exist.
  17. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 01:31 PM) Facts? You're the logic thinker, I am the believer, remember? Its your job to deal in facts, remember? I have faith. The bible doesn't go into detail about how God created man exactly. Just because Darwin MAY HAVE proved where we came from, doesn't mean a thing. All it means if it is true, is that we still after all of these millenia are fallable... Tell me something I don't know. If you actually read the bible you again, you would understand that instead of having it regurgitated through your biased sources. Does the bible define a day as 24 hours? Did I miss that verse. And actually the bible saids that a day is as a thousand years to God, just to emphasize his timelessness. Again with your example of the priest you are showing that you really need to actually sit and read your bible. Just because a priest doesn't have an answer, that doesn't mean that God doesn't exsist. You have repeatedly ducked my questions, does that mean that your philosophy is totally wrong? No, that is determined on its merits, not on the biblical knowledge of a priest. That is unless I missed the chapter on a priest being God, instead of being created in the image of God. For the tenth time, the imperfections of man do not prove that God does not exsist. You call me stuck on one side, yet you have been completely unwilling to look at the otherside for yourself. You have chided people for what they have not read, but yet you have taken the word of your own side's teachers, and have not read for yourself to try to find out the truth. What does that say? And as for man creating God, you throw that around as a fact, when you still haven't begun to approach proving that. You haven't offered any evidence that hasn't been completely blown out of the water yet. I love this line: For the rest of his life, Socrates devoted himself to free-wheeling discussion with the aristocratic young citizens of Athens, insistently questioning their unwarranted confidence in the truth of popular opinions, even though he often offered them no clear alternative teaching.
  18. QUOTE(Texsox @ Jan 13, 2006 -> 11:37 AM) oooh you better rest up after that one. Orgy with the Tooth Fairy, that's normal, nice fantasy You are killing me with this stuff. LOL. I've never seen a troll as bad as this. And in bad, I mean not good at trolling. At least say something entertaining and have some good come backs. This was said by another famous person, " Now I see why lions eat their young." Well, I wasted enough time here. Have fun with this clown.
  19. zach61

    We're fat

    QUOTE(AnthraxFan93 @ Jan 6, 2006 -> 02:20 PM) I never understand how people get so f***ing fat. Are they really that lazy? This poll really makes me annoyed, this is one thing I wish we didn't beat houston in. Is it that hard to 1) Put the fork down? 2) get to the gym? I understand that there are rare cases where people have medical problems thyrod being one of them, but with that said..This is something I am embrassed to say I live here. According to the article, it might not be that we are that fat in Chicago, just living in a place not "conductive" to fitness: Last year, Baltimore was closer to Houston than it was to Honolulu, checking in as the 25th-fattest city in the Men's Fitness tally. How could such a turnaround be possible in the span of a year? Men's Fitness editor Neal Boulton is quick to point out that the survey is far from scientific, and he says it took additional factors into account this year that worked in Baltimore's favor. Among them: the amount of public park space, access to health care, air quality, the relatively small number of fast-food restaurants and the leadership of Mayor Martin O'Malley. Boulton says Baltimore has become safer, more prosperous and more conducive to fitness. Have the folk in Baltimore really gotten thinner?
  20. QUOTE(TLAK @ Dec 21, 2005 -> 11:33 AM) The New York Yankees. While we're at it, name me the last team that changed over 1/3 of the team and DID repeat. Which Yankee team didn't make any changes in the offseason and repeated?
  21. zach61

    Christmas Songs

    To the tune of Walking in a Winter Wonderland: Lacy things, the wife is missin' Didn't ask, her permission I'm wearin' her clothes Her silk pantyhose Walkin' 'round in women's underwear In the store, there's a teddy Little straps, like spaghetti It holds me so tight Like handcuffs at night Walkin' 'round in women's underwear In the office there's a guy named Melvin, He pretends that I am Murphy Brown He'll say, "Are you ready?" I'll say, "Whoa Man!" "Let's wait until our wives are out of town!" Later on, if you wanna We can dress, like Madonna Put on some eyeshade And join the parade Walkin' 'round in women's underwear Lacy things- missin' Didn't ask- permission Wearin' her clothes Her silk pantyhose Walkin' 'round in women's underwear Walkin' 'round in women's underwear Walkin' 'round in women's underwear
  22. QUOTE(LDF @ Dec 15, 2005 -> 11:05 AM) and with that, i totally agree with what you are saying. i have no problem trading these prospects, if they were the final piece of the puzzle to build or in this case keep the sox on top. lets not trade all of our prospects, what do have left when 3 yrs down the road. i love the trades b/c kw was agressive and address sox needs to keep us on top. all i said and asked, did we give up too much. when was the last time the sox made a trade and we were the winners of the trade. let not include this offseason. So which prospects did we trade that have become stars?
  23. QUOTE(Steff @ Dec 2, 2005 -> 02:18 PM) I was driving back from getting a sammich from Carms for lunch when I saw a strangely disturbing sight. There was a lady crossing Wolf Road just before Roosevelt by the cemetary. She got to the other side, and then went back out into the street to pick something up. I slowed down so that she wouldn't make a dent in my front bumper (don't ya hate it when that happens) and I saw that the "package" she was picking up was actually a dead squirrel!! She had it by the end of it's fuzzy little tail and it was swinging around like a pendulum. When she got back up on the curb, she threw the squirrel down on the ground and stared at him like she was gonna jack him for his fur coat, but maybe she was just looking for some ID so his family wouldn't have to identify him. I didn't get to see the end of the saga because I had to turn and it's not nice to gawk at accident scenes anyway. So my little melodrama made me wonder: What weird things have you seen today? It wasn't today, but last week I saw a guy walking along the Fox River with a big black plastic garbage bag and a one of those things they used to use in a grocery store to grab rolls of toilet paper from a high shelf. I thought he was picking up garbage that people threw along and in the river, but as he got closer, I saw him reach into the river and pull out a dead goose and then put it in the bag. I kept watching him and he then pulled out a few dead fish and put them in the bag too. He kept walking along the shore and then reached into some high grass and pulled out what looked like a dead otter and put that in the bag. I watched him for about 15 minutes or so and he put about 10 more dead animals in his bag before he finally got in his car and left. And I forgot to mention that he was with what looked like his wife and daughter. The daughter looked to be about 13 or so.
  24. QUOTE(WSoxMatt @ Nov 21, 2005 -> 08:13 PM) I hate Norte Dame, Love Rudi, Hate Notre Dame I'm with ya. We need a "I hate ND" smiley.
  25. QUOTE(GreatScott82 @ Nov 18, 2005 -> 12:17 PM) I know Timo Perez and Juan Uribe are best friends. You also have the Cuban connection of Contreras and El-duque You have the 3 stooges (Row, Po, and Joe) Yes, Buerhle and Garland are tight. But then again Buerhle is homeys with everyone on the team. Garcia and Ozzie's sons have a family connection, I always see them hanging out. I often see Podsednick chilling w/ Rowand and Dye on the bench. Oufield luv! GROUP 4 (Now Group 3! w/ Harris, Perez and Ozuna) Vizcaino and Marte are tight Cotts is homeys with Adkins All in all everyone on the team gets along and the chemistry is solid. Who cares what the cliques are, as long as we are winning and having fun. Doesn't group 4 mean that they were the 4th group to go in batting practice and not the number of people in the group?
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