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Everything posted by zach61

  1. QUOTE(timotime @ Nov 16, 2005 -> 11:59 AM) since ive never been there, i am asking: what is it about HHH Dome that is bad? ive only heard it's crappy, never why. id assume because of the studpid wall in the outfield, the echoes, the artificialness of it. The place isn't a dump, but it was depressing being in there watching a baseball game in mid September while the conditions were almost perfect outside. The food was also pretty good there. They have a famous dave's in the dome and it actually tasted better than the restaurant I went to here in Chicago. The part that sucked though were the seats. The place was built for football, so by the 7th inning or so, you're(had to throw that in for Jason) neck is stiff from having to turn to watch the game. I also had trouble with depth perception. I had a hard time seeing how far a ball was hit, but for the most part, it wasn't too hard picking up the ball in the roof. If you haven't been there, you should try to make a trip up there. Had a lot of fun when we went.
  2. QUOTE(Texsox @ Nov 15, 2005 -> 09:30 PM) The Rangers expected higher attendance, and expected to raise the payroll even higher and attract more free agents. To that end, they promised A-Rod certain things that would make the team more competitive. The attendance did not spike enough, the Rangers were not able to attract more free agents, and wanted out of the contract they offered as much as A-Rod wanted to leave. Now imagine if players didn't care about the money. I just want to win. Get me on the Yankees or Braves at any cost. What does that do to the competitive balance in baseball? To follow your logic, every free agent in baseball should be kicking themselves for not signing with the Sox for any price. And as far as going to the highest bidder, how much of a difference is there between the Rangers, Mariners, and Pirates? What the hell else are you going to judge it on? Mr. Owner, I am looking over your offer and please reduce it by $4,000,000 per year and buy another player. Then he shouldn't have signed for 10 yrs. He wanted the money and security, but then wanted out when things didn't work out the way he wanted. If the player can get the money, fine, get it, just don't complain about it later. If the Rangers were promising things, then A-Rod should have had that option to get out of it in the contract. Just don't give me the crap that you didn't do it for money. The money was the first part, not just going to the Rangers with some hope that they will compete soon. He tried to sell it to us that he wanted to go to a team with promise and it wasn't just about the money. I didn't believe it then and don't feel sorry for him now. It was all about the money when he went to the Rangers.
  3. QUOTE(Chisoxfn @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 04:45 PM) I got nothing but respect for Arod. I'm not the type of person that will hate a player for signing a contract that owners gave them. You can hate or knock your owner for offering the deal, but Arod and the players do nothing wrong. Why shouldn't they sign the highest contract out there (that fits there needs as well, such as location and other factors). We do the same in the real world. Just because they are doing it in a large scale (the $ amounts) doesn't mean its any different. It's not the contract that I dislike him for. It's the fact that he went to the Rangers for the money and then complains about not winning and saying he never just went there for the money. If the Rangers fit his needs and it was for the money, then why was he whining after a few yrs? He went where he wanted and got what he wanted and then changed his mind and the yanks were able to bail him out. At the very least, he should have come out and said he went to the highest bidder instead of blowing smoke up our asses and then expect us to feel sorry for him cause the rangers sucked.
  4. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 02:13 PM) ________ f you PA Is he talking about my post to Steff? If so, I know Steff understands it's humor from me, but if you need to chastise and ban me for doing that, then go ahead. I'll take my lumps so some people don't feel picked on.
  5. QUOTE(Steff @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 12:36 PM) Aint me.. the word "b****" is nowhere in there.. Man, what a ____h.
  6. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 11:17 AM) This seems like a bad idea on so many simultaneous levels. Maybe it's just me. http://abcnews.go.com/Travel/CSM/story?id=1297552 So how long into the building of it will someone claim to have found Jesus' shoes on one of the paths that he hiked?
  7. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Nov 14, 2005 -> 11:01 AM) Here is the thread path: JUGGS: The absence of logic drives the people to insanity. See France. Rex: It's nice of you to understand that a tipping point reached after decade upon decade of ignoring, disenfranchising and systemically discriminating a large segment of the population can be chalked up to the absence of logic. I'm sure you thought it would have just been logical for Rosa Parks to follow the rules too. And this leads to your assertion that Rex has equated mentioning God in the classroom to discrimination of blacks in the south nearly 1/2 a century ago??? OK, now I get it. You are making an object lesson of yourself and showing us first hand what the absence of logic looks like. hmmm. Now I thought that if A=B and B=C, then it was Gods will for A=C and had nothing to do with Math and Science.
  8. zach61

    Odd Bush thing.

    QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Nov 11, 2005 -> 12:25 PM) I like tossing him around and trying to throw him upfield. It reminds me of #6
  9. QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Nov 10, 2005 -> 02:48 PM) Mary Mapes: Bush National Guard Story Still "Is a Good Story" Good Morning America Interview...Some excerpts... It's amazing to me that someone that has been in the business for 25 years doesn't understand the onus is on her to prove the authenticity of what she puts on the air. This isn't the Weekly World News lady. She might be a good candidate to send to the UN to sell our next war.
  10. QUOTE(The Critic @ Nov 10, 2005 -> 01:01 PM) But can you get in through both the front and rear entrance? ( Attempting to divert from mockery of my physique/hygiene to stupid, childish double-entendres ) When she was on TV talking about it, she did mention that there was some remodeling done and the carpet doesn't match the drapes anymore. She also said that even though the plumbing was getting old, it still worked fine for the most part.
  11. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Nov 10, 2005 -> 01:58 PM) By sneaking terrorists across the border they already are. If they were going to do serious damage to our Army in Iraq like you talked about then they're gonna need a lot more than they have in their bag of tricks right now. They have time on their side. We get bored with things too quickly, whereas they will wait a hundred yrs for us to leave and then will take over again with another dictator like Hussein. They might not blow up our tanks and push us out of Iraq like we did to them, but they will continue to kill our soldiers 1 at a time. I guess that's not condidered serious damage to our Army, but it sure is a nice deterent from more kids joining in the future if we are still there 2 yrs from now.
  12. QUOTE(aboz56 @ Nov 10, 2005 -> 12:27 PM) Is there a pic available of this woman? I saw this story on one of the news shows and she isn't that good looking and was very annoying to listen to. At least for me, and I think she probably has about 20 yrs or so on you.
  13. QUOTE(knightni @ Nov 10, 2005 -> 11:37 AM) Does one request a wife "test-drive" first? I think she would prefer you schedule a "walk through" with her "agent."
  14. QUOTE(Controlled Chaos @ Nov 9, 2005 -> 10:45 AM) Just seeing the Topic Starter as Steff and the subject being "I'd like some sex, with a side of sex.." kinda made me think...You go girl!! And she's "doable" too.
  15. QUOTE(NUKE_CLEVELAND @ Nov 9, 2005 -> 01:13 AM) http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,174993,00.html The backlash continues. Yay. Now I can sleep at night knowing that another group of American citizens have lost some of their rights. Now that the gays can't marry, divorce and adultery will go way down and the institution of marriage is saved. Good to see all this effort put into what consenting adults do and not worry about the pedaphiles out there that rape our children.
  16. QUOTE(sickness212 @ Oct 22, 2005 -> 08:23 AM) Pardon my ignorance but Ihow many rows are in a standard section at US Cellular (Section 145) I am just making sure I will be happy with my seats in row 20. 15. The first 20 rows in that section are letters.
  17. QUOTE(kapkomet @ Oct 18, 2005 -> 08:29 AM) Here's the deal. If we win the world series, or hell, even if we don't, how about we have a soxtalk rule that says we don't talk or read this asshole's stuff. Fair enough? It's not very often I would vote for "censorship" but I certainly vote for it here. Agree 100%. Let's start by getting rid of this thread and any thread that provides the link to his column. Can we use a filter too so if anybody writes his name, it just comes up #######
  18. QUOTE(chicagown @ Oct 19, 2005 -> 01:10 PM) Jay Mariotti! I didn't see it at the Sun Times website yet. Titled, "Sox giving good-guy Konerko run-around" Pathetic. He can't possibly know anything he's even talking about. It's just a bunch of bulls*** speculation that he acts like it's undoubtedly going to happen and we're going to do to him what we did to Maggs or Lee. Ridiculous. If people would stop reading his crap and quit going to his column online, he would go away. But as long as you guys keep reading his stuff, the Suntimes will employ him. When the Suntimes tries to get me to buy their paper, I always tell them I stopped buying their paper when they employed that cleveland assclown moronotti and will not buy another paper or read their paper online until he is gone.
  19. QUOTE(zach23 @ Oct 19, 2005 -> 10:41 AM) A nightmare situation has just come up for me, I was just told I have to go to Pittsburgh next week because I will be supporting a new account and must train with the guy that is leaving. Next week is his last week, so it can't be put off. Thank god the home games are on the weekend, but I will be alone in Pittsburgh to watch the road games. Anyone here from Pittsburgh that would be interested in meeting somewhere? I have only been there once for one day to see a game at PNC, so I don't know any bars or anywhere to go. I may be the only person in some bar dressed in all Sox gear going insane. I still haven't found out where I am staying exactly, I will know more once I talk to my new project manager later. Wow, no replies yet. Maybe it is true that the Pirates are just the cubs minor league team and there are only cub fans out there.
  20. QUOTE(FlaSoxxJim @ Oct 17, 2005 -> 01:11 PM) Cub Fan: Yeah? Well, the Jerk Store called, and THEY'RE all out of YOU! Whats the difference? You're their all time best seller.
  21. QUOTE(Balance @ Oct 12, 2005 -> 09:31 PM) While I agree with you 100%, that situation didn't result in a run for the Angels. That would weaken our "they got some breaks with calls, too" argument on that particular instance. Glad we won, just pointing that out. And that call safe call at 1st didn't result in a run for the White Sox. It was the steal by Ozuna and a hit by Crede. Even the hit by Crede might not score the run if Ozuna doesn't swipe 2nd. So you can say they got a break and we got a break and both capitalized on their breaks.
  22. QUOTE(CanOfCorn @ Oct 6, 2005 -> 04:22 PM) I'm guessing your pets are fat? I have a rott, sheltie, and the cat looks like a russian blue except he has long hair. The rott is just all muscle, the sheltie and cat I have to watch cause they are getting a little porky again. But I can't stop the milk bones and hotdogs now. Gotta keep the baseball gods happy.
  23. My 2 dogs get "rbi cookies" which are just milk bones, and the 2 dogs and the cat get "homerun hotdogs" during every game. This started a while ago when I promised them a hot dog as a treat if the Sox batter hit a homer and have stuck to it since then. I was in the basement during the 5th and was running up and down the stairs to give them their "rbi cookies." They actually learned the difference between my yelling for a homerun and an rbi. When the error was made, they had a confused look because they didn't recognize the yell. When Iguchi came up to bat, I looked at them and told them to tell Iguchi that they want their "homerun hotdogs" and when he hit it and I yelled, the 2 dogs and the cat ran up the stairs straight to the fridge and sat there looking for their hotdog. The cat only got his normal fingernail sized piece, but the 2 dogs got a whole hotdog instead of splitting 1 in half.
  24. QUOTE(Texsox @ Aug 26, 2005 -> 12:16 PM) I'm singing in the rain Just singing in the rain What a glorious feeling I'm happy again I'm laughing at clouds So dark up above The sun's in my heart And I'm ready for love For love Let the stormy clouds chase Everyone from the place Come on with the rain I've a smile on my face I'll walk down the lane With a happy refrain Singing, singing in the rain In the rain. Do you have the version by Ludwig Von? How about a little of the in and out?
  25. QUOTE(southsider2k5 @ Aug 23, 2005 -> 11:06 AM) This was an actual letter to the editor in yesterday's Chicago Tribune. That took me aback for a second. Is it really that different to partake in an activity that you know will kill you, whether it be in a split-second from now, or years from now? I'd be curious to hear thoughts on this one. Then shouldn't the tobacco industry be charged with murder since they know smoking could kill you? Or at least assisted suicide?
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